viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012

What's Jennifer Lopez Up To, Again?

Jennifer Lopez showed her sexy compassion once again on Thursday night’s episode of American Idol. Despite showing a tougher, no-none sense JLO in season 11 of the show, Lopez caved into her sentimental side as she broke the news to “gentle giant” Jermaine Jones and David “Mr. Steal-Your-Girl” Leathers that they did not make the top 24. As expected the two passionate contestants were crushed, shedding tears prompting Lopez and the rest of the judges to get somber and teary eyed themselves. American Idol Top 10 Latino Moments During Jones’ first audition, Lopez felt the Lord’s spirit as the 6 foot 8 ½ inches Jones stood out right away, not only for his height, but for what Steven Tyler called his “spiritual voice.” “It’s a natural gift that you have in the way that you sing that you don’t hear everyday,” said Lopez satisfied with Jones’ audition. Unfortunately, Jones had a breakdown minutes before being told he would not make a part of the top 24. What's Jennifer Lopez Up To? “It’s mind bottling,” Jones said crying. “I've seen so many people go home. I don't want to be a disappointment to my family… my momma.” "You had some real shining moments,” Lopez told Jones. “It was a joy to watch you.” “We’re going to miss you,” she continued. “You did such a good job and you got so far," she added before wiping off the tears from her eyes. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Jennifer López mostró su compasión sexy, una vez más en el episodio del jueves por la noche de American Idol. A pesar de mostrar una posición más dura, sin ninguna JLO sentido en la temporada 11 del programa, López cedió a su lado sentimental, ya que le dio la noticia de "Gentle Giant" Jermaine Jones y David Sr. "Roban de Su-Girl "Orejas que no hacen la parte superior 24. Como era de esperar los dos contendientes apasionados fueron aplastados, derramando lágrimas incitando López y el resto de los jueces para obtener sombrío y lágrimas en los ojos a sí mismos. American Idol Top 10 Momentos latinos Durante la primera audición de Jones, López sintió el espíritu del Señor como de 6 pies 8 ½ pulgadas de Jones se destacó de inmediato, no sólo por su altura, sino por lo que Steven Tyler llamó a su "voz espiritual". "Es un don natural que tiene en la forma en que usted canta que no escuchamos todos los días", dijo López satisfecho con la audición de Jones. Por desgracia, Jones tuvo un par de minutos de descomposición antes de ser dijo que no haría parte de la parte superior 24. ¿Cuál es Jennifer López entre manos? "Es embotellado mente", dijo Jones a llorar. "He visto a tanta gente a casa. No quiero ser una decepción para mi familia ... mi mamá. " "Usted tuvo algunos momentos brillantes reales", dijo López Jones. "Fue un placer verte." "Vamos a echar de menos", continuó. "Hiciste un buen trabajo y que tengo hasta ahora", añadió antes de limpiar las lágrimas de sus ojos.

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miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012


  • VOTE HERE On Friday night, we aired the last installment of our five-part, 100 Greatest Women in Music series. If you happened to miss the countdown, it’s spoiler alert time: VH1 crowned Madonna as the greatest female artist of the last 20 years. While it’s tough to argue with the musical legacy of Madonna, we received an incredible number of comments, emails, and tweets from our VH1 audience asking about their ability to participate in this countdown. Well, we listened and worked to put together the following bracket-style tournament of The 8 Greatest Women In Pop where you, the reader, will be able to select the most accomplished female artist in the pop music game right now. (Sorry, Adele fans: We figured that since she just swept the Grammys, she has enough awards for the moment, so we left her out of this tournament). Our tournament will run today through next Monday, February 27, and our first round matchups are pretty outrageous: Lady Gaga vs. Madonna, Britney Spears vs. Rihanna, Katy Perry vs. Mariah Carey, and Jennifer Lopez vs. Beyoncé. One tiny administrative note: Be sure and get your first-round vote in by 11:59 p.m. EST on Wednesday, 2/22.
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    Univision has appointed Jennifer Lopez the 10 most controversial women of the 2012

    Univision ha nombrado a Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez y Miley Cyrus, junto con otras 7 famosas, como las 10 mujeres más polémicas de este 2012. Para esta importante empresa, el seleccionar a solo 10 artistas que, de acuerdo a su análisis serán quienes más generarán polémica en este año, no debió de haber sido fácil. Sin embargo, ellos tienen mucha información, que les permite clasificar a las artistas con bastante certidumbre. Dentro de esta lista también se encuentran Paulina Rubio, Shakira, Madonna, Demi Moore y Rihanna entre otras. De cada una de estas, ofrecen las razones por las cuales las han seleccionado. Creemos que en esta lista faltan otras polémicas mujeres, sin embargo, de lo que estamos seguros, es que las mujeres que figuran en esta, si darán mucho de qué hablar en el 2012. Tanto Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez y Miley Cyrus, así como las otras siete famosas, tendrán un año lleno de noticias interesante. Conoce la lista completa y las razones por las que Univision las consideró como la mujeres que más darán de que hablar en este año. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    Univision has appointed Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus, along with 7 other celebrities, including the 10 most controversial women of the 2012. For this important endeavor, selecting only 10 artists who, according to their analysis will be the most controversial generate this year, should not have been easy. However, they have lots of information, allowing them to classify artists with enough certainty. Within this list are also Paulina Rubio, Shakira, Madonna, Demi Moore and Rihanna among others. Each of these, provide the reasons why the selected. We believe that this list lacks other controversial women, however, we are sure, is that women included in this, if you give a lot to talk in 2012. Both Jennifer Lopez, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus and the other seven famous, will have a year full of interesting news. Read the full list and the reasons why Univision the women considered the more will the talk of this year.

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