The video of pop singer Jennifer Lopez in which he appears with a Fiat 500 back to generate controversy.
La cantante tiene un convenio con la marca italiana para promocionar los automóviles Fiat. En uno de sus videos, ella aparece manejando un Fiat 500 por lo que sería el Bronx, mientras muchos hombres la persiguen. Además, ha aparecido en repetidas presentaciones con el mismo vehículo.
Por eso, un grupo conocido como UANI, “Unidos contra Irán Nuclear”, dedicado a prevenir el desarrollo de armas nucleares le pidió a Jennifer López terminar su trato con la marca italiana Fiat, debido a que el fabricante de carros sostiene negocios con el país islámico.
En una carta enviada por el grupo, le manifiestan a la cantante que “al ayudar a Fiat está sirviendo como portavoz de una empresa que hace negocios libremente con un régimen que está desarrollando un programa ilegal de armas nucleares y patrocina grupos terroristas como Al-Qaeda, que ha matado a soldados estadounidenses y de la OTAN y es reconocido como uno de los principales violadores de los derechos del mundo”.
Según declaró a varios medios el director de comunicaciones de UANI, Nathan Carleton, ellos han intentado comunicarse con Fiat varias veces para advertirle sobres sus negocios con Irán y pedirle el cese de sus relaciones comerciales con el país islámico, pero sus llamados no han tenido eco.
“Dada la importancia del contrato de la señorita López con Fiat, decidimos contactarla y pedir su ayuda para presionar a Fiat a terminar sus negocios con Irán”, dijo Carleton.
El grupo denuncia que una empresa filial de Fiat conocida como Iveco, vende y distribuye camiones en Irán. Varios de sus vehículos son utilizados por el ejército e incluso grupos extremistas islámicos para transportar armas.
Por su parte, el presidente ejecutivo de Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, recibió una misiva similar en la que le solicitan que termine sus relaciones con Irán, así como ya lo han hecho las marcas Kia y Toyota.
The singer has an agreement with Italian manufacturer Fiat cars to market. In one of his videos, it appears driving a Fiat 500 for what would become the Bronx, while many men chasing her. It has also appeared on numerous presentations with the same vehicle.
Therefore, a group known as UAnI, "United Against Nuclear Iran," dedicated to preventing nuclear weapons development asked Jennifer Lopez finished her dealings with the Italian manufacturer Fiat, because the car maker says business with the country Islamic.
In a letter sent by the group, the singer will demonstrate that "by helping Fiat is serving as spokesman for a company doing business freely with a regime that is developing a nuclear weapons illegal and sponsors terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda , which has killed U.S. troops and NATO and is recognized as one of the main violators of the world. "
According to several media said communications director UAnI, Nathan Carleton, they have tried to communicate with Fiat several times to warn you about their dealings with Iran and asked for the dismissal of its trade relations with the Islamic country, but his calls have been echoed .
"Given the importance of the contract of Ms. Lopez with Fiat, we decided to contact her and ask her help to put pressure on Fiat to end their business with Iran," Carleton said.
The group claims that a company called Fiat subsidiary Iveco trucks sold and distributed in Iran. Several of their vehicles are used by the military and even Islamic extremist groups to carry weapons.
Meanwhile, Fiat CEO, Sergio Marchionne, received a similar letter in which you are asked to end its relations with Iran and have done Kia and Toyota brands.
Por eso, un grupo conocido como UANI, “Unidos contra Irán Nuclear”, dedicado a prevenir el desarrollo de armas nucleares le pidió a Jennifer López terminar su trato con la marca italiana Fiat, debido a que el fabricante de carros sostiene negocios con el país islámico.
En una carta enviada por el grupo, le manifiestan a la cantante que “al ayudar a Fiat está sirviendo como portavoz de una empresa que hace negocios libremente con un régimen que está desarrollando un programa ilegal de armas nucleares y patrocina grupos terroristas como Al-Qaeda, que ha matado a soldados estadounidenses y de la OTAN y es reconocido como uno de los principales violadores de los derechos del mundo”.
Según declaró a varios medios el director de comunicaciones de UANI, Nathan Carleton, ellos han intentado comunicarse con Fiat varias veces para advertirle sobres sus negocios con Irán y pedirle el cese de sus relaciones comerciales con el país islámico, pero sus llamados no han tenido eco.
“Dada la importancia del contrato de la señorita López con Fiat, decidimos contactarla y pedir su ayuda para presionar a Fiat a terminar sus negocios con Irán”, dijo Carleton.
El grupo denuncia que una empresa filial de Fiat conocida como Iveco, vende y distribuye camiones en Irán. Varios de sus vehículos son utilizados por el ejército e incluso grupos extremistas islámicos para transportar armas.
Por su parte, el presidente ejecutivo de Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, recibió una misiva similar en la que le solicitan que termine sus relaciones con Irán, así como ya lo han hecho las marcas Kia y Toyota.
The singer has an agreement with Italian manufacturer Fiat cars to market. In one of his videos, it appears driving a Fiat 500 for what would become the Bronx, while many men chasing her. It has also appeared on numerous presentations with the same vehicle.
Therefore, a group known as UAnI, "United Against Nuclear Iran," dedicated to preventing nuclear weapons development asked Jennifer Lopez finished her dealings with the Italian manufacturer Fiat, because the car maker says business with the country Islamic.
In a letter sent by the group, the singer will demonstrate that "by helping Fiat is serving as spokesman for a company doing business freely with a regime that is developing a nuclear weapons illegal and sponsors terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda , which has killed U.S. troops and NATO and is recognized as one of the main violators of the world. "
According to several media said communications director UAnI, Nathan Carleton, they have tried to communicate with Fiat several times to warn you about their dealings with Iran and asked for the dismissal of its trade relations with the Islamic country, but his calls have been echoed .
"Given the importance of the contract of Ms. Lopez with Fiat, we decided to contact her and ask her help to put pressure on Fiat to end their business with Iran," Carleton said.
The group claims that a company called Fiat subsidiary Iveco trucks sold and distributed in Iran. Several of their vehicles are used by the military and even Islamic extremist groups to carry weapons.
Meanwhile, Fiat CEO, Sergio Marchionne, received a similar letter in which you are asked to end its relations with Iran and have done Kia and Toyota brands.
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