Jennifer López dará privilegios a fans en su gira
La cantante Jennifer López ofrecerá a sus seguidores acceso especial a los pormenores de su próxima gira a través de su página web en la que se regalarán entradas para conciertos, según informó hoy Eqal Media Network, empresa gestora del portal, en un comunicado.
La noticia se conoció horas antes de que López realice un anuncio a través de su web, previsto para las 16.00 hora local de la costa oeste de EE.UU. (00.00 GMT del martes), en el que se espera que dé a conocer los detalles de cómo funcionará su nueva comunidad de fans en Internet.
La artista convocó hoy también a los periodistas en Los Ángeles para una conferencia de prensa en la que todo apunta a que hablará sobre su tour de verano, después de que se adelantara hoy que López y Enrique Iglesias compartirán escenario en 13 actuaciones en Norteamérica entre mayo y agosto.
A falta de la confirmación oficial por parte de los cantantes, sí es un hecho que López saldrá de gira y que interactuará con sus fans a través de su web en la que habilitará una sección llamada "Tour Feed" donde se regalarán entradas para cada concierto y se podrán ver entrevistas, mensajes y fotos tomadas entre bastidores.
"El tour de Jennifer López será uno de los momentos destacados de este verano y estamos muy felices de ofrecer una plataforma para la comunicación personal entre Jennifer y su comunidad de fans", aseguró Rob Weiss, jefe de Contenidos de Eqal.
A través de su portal, la artista estadounidense de raíces puertorriqueñas "descubrirá la zona tras el escenario", se afirma en la información de Eqal, y mostrará los vestidos, los decorados, así como a los bailarines, cantantes, músicos y el resto del personal que trabaja para sacar adelante la gira.
"Ella compartirá su diario del tour y animará a sus fans a escribir sus propias experiencias como blogueros invitados", según Eqal.
El área de "Tour Feed" en es gratuita, solo para usuarios registrados en el portal, y empezará a tramitar pases "entre bastidores" una vez se lance la gira.
Singer Jennifer Lopez will give fans special access to the details of their upcoming tour through its website which will give away tickets to concerts, said today Eqal Media Network, portal management company said in a statement.
The news came hours before Lopez made an announcement on its website, scheduled for 16.00 local time at the West Coast(00.00 GMT Tuesday), which is expected to give details of how your new online fan community.
The artist also called reporters today in Los Angeles for a press conference in which everything points to talk about his summer tour, after it took hold today that Lopez and Enrique Iglesias will share the stage in 13 performances in North America between May and August.
In the absence of official confirmation of the singers, it is a fact that Lopez will tour and interact with their fans through their website where you enabled a section called "Feed Tour" where they give away tickets for each concert and can be seen interviews, messages and photos taken between racks.
"Jennifer Lopez's tour will be one of the highlights of this summer and we are happy to offer a platform for personal communication between Jennifer and her fan community," said Rob Weiss, head of Content Eqal.
Through its website, the American artist of Puerto Rican roots "discover the backstage area", states Eqal information, and display the clothes, the sets, as well as dancers, singers, musicians and the rest of staff working to push through the tour."She will share her diary of the tour and encouraged fans to write their own experiences as guest bloggers," according Eqal.The area of "Tour Feed" in is free only for registered users of the portal, and begin to process passes "between racks" is released after the tour.
The news came hours before Lopez made an announcement on its website, scheduled for 16.00 local time at the West Coast(00.00 GMT Tuesday), which is expected to give details of how your new online fan community.
The artist also called reporters today in Los Angeles for a press conference in which everything points to talk about his summer tour, after it took hold today that Lopez and Enrique Iglesias will share the stage in 13 performances in North America between May and August.
In the absence of official confirmation of the singers, it is a fact that Lopez will tour and interact with their fans through their website where you enabled a section called "Feed Tour" where they give away tickets for each concert and can be seen interviews, messages and photos taken between racks.
"Jennifer Lopez's tour will be one of the highlights of this summer and we are happy to offer a platform for personal communication between Jennifer and her fan community," said Rob Weiss, head of Content Eqal.
Through its website, the American artist of Puerto Rican roots "discover the backstage area", states Eqal information, and display the clothes, the sets, as well as dancers, singers, musicians and the rest of staff working to push through the tour."She will share her diary of the tour and encouraged fans to write their own experiences as guest bloggers," according Eqal.The area of "Tour Feed" in is free only for registered users of the portal, and begin to process passes "between racks" is released after the tour.
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