Some U.S. networks censored the video 'Dance Again' by Jennifer Lopez for their unwelcome sexually
Algunas cadenas norteamericanas censuran el videoclip 'Dance again' de Jennifer López, por su tono sexual
Jennifer López ha sido considerada la mujer con mejor trasero del mundo. Algo que se ha ratificado después de ver su último vídeo. Pero parece que no a todos les gusta su anatomía. Algunos canales, como la cadena Fox, ha censurado el videoclip, del que solo permiten emitir unos segundos, los que consideran aptos para toda la familia.
El último vídeo de Jennifer López le vuelve a otorgar el título de la mujer con el mejor trasero del mundo, aunque muchos parece no gustarle demasiado, ni su trasera, ni sus movientos sensuales en su último vídeoclip. Incluso se han planteado preguntas como: "JLo debería preguntarse si dejaría a sus gemelos ver los vídeos que rueda". En esta caso, la cuestión la plantea Dan Gainor, vicepresidente del Instituto de Cultura y Medios de Estados Unidos.
Los primeros que han censurado la actuación ha sido la cadena Fox quien ha tomado la decisión de emitir solamente 15 segundos que consideran aptos para el público infantil. En el vídelclip de su canción 'Dance Again', la diva baila con un joven bailarín de 18 años con quien muestra una extraordianria sensualidad.
Durante el baile se aprecia las curvas que presentan su anatomía. Su cuerpo se ha convertido en modelo para muchas mujeres. De hecho tiene asegurado el trasero en 4,5 millones de euros.
Some U.S. networks censored the video 'Dance Again' by Jennifer Lopez for their unwelcome sexually
Jennifer Lopez has been considered the best woman in the world back. Something that has been ratified after seeing his latest video. But it seems that not everyone likes their anatomy. Some channels such as Fox has censored the video, which emit only allow a few seconds, they consider suitable for the whole family.
The last video of Jennifer Lopez returns to bestow the title of the woman with the best ass in the world, although many seem not like too much, or his back or his movientos sensual in his last video clip. They even have raised questions as: "JLo should ask if her twins would watch the videos rolling." In this case, the question is posed by Dan Gainor, vice president of the Institute of Culture and United States.
The first to have criticized the performance was Fox who has taken the decision to issue only 15 seconds considered suitable for young audiences. In vídelclip of his song 'Dance Again', the dancing diva with a young dancer who 18 years shows a extraordianria sensuality.
During the dance shows the curves that have their anatomy. Her body has become a model for many women. In fact it has secured the rear at 4.5 million.
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