Jennifer Lopez the world's most powerful celebrity
Jennifer Lopez ha destronado a Lady Gaga como la celebridad más poderosa del mundo, según una lista publicada por la revista 'Forbes' que no solo mide el dinero sino también la fama e influencia de las estrellas. El segundo puesto de esta lista lo ocupa lareina de la televisión estadounidense Oprah Winfrey.
Jennifer Lopez, interprete de 'Let's Get Loud' o 'Love Don't Cost A Thing' se ha visto catapultada desde el puesto número cincuenta del año pasado hasta encabezar este ranking de las cien estrellas del cine, la televisión, la música y el deporte. "La triple amenaza latina logró que su puesto de jurado de 'American Idol' se transformase en exitosas canciones, un aumento de las ventas, tres nuevas películas y más seguidores", destaca 'Forbes', que mide tanto la fama como el poder y el dinero de las estrellas.
JLo, que el verano pasado se separó de Marc Anthony, ha amasado durante el último año unas ganancias de 52 millones de dólares (40,8 millones de euros), más del doble que los 25 millones del año anterior, según los datos recopilados por 'Forbes'.
La estrella puertorriqueña arrebató el trono a la neoyorquina Lady Gaga, que este año baja al quinto puesto porque no ha estado de gira aunque sus ingresos también fueron de 52 millones de dólares (40,8 millones de euros) y su influencia en las redes sociales sigue siendo "tremenda".
La diva de la televisión estadounidense, Oprah Winfrey, se aferra al segundo lugar del ranking pese a que sus ingresos se desplomaron un 43% hasta 125 millones de dólares (98,2 millones de euros) en un año "desafiante" para ella mientras saca adelante su nuevo canal por cable, OWN.
Jennifer Lopez has dethroned Lady Gaga as the world's most powerful celebrity, according to a list published by Forbes magazine that not only money but also measures the fame and influence of the stars. The second place is occupied here Lareina American television Oprah Winfrey.
Jennifer Lopez, interpreter 'Let's Get Loud' or 'Love Do not Cost A Thing' has been catapulted from the # fifties of last year to lead this ranking of the hundred stars of film, television, music and sport. "The triple threat latina got her as a jury of 'American Idol' is transformed into hit songs, an increase in sales, three new movies and more fans," said Forbes', which measures both the power and fame as money from the stars.
JLo, who last summer broke Marc Anthony, has amassed over the last year a profit of $ 52 million (40.8 million), more than double the 25 million the previous year, according to data compiled by 'Forbes'.
The Puerto Rican star took the throne at the New Yorker Lady Gaga, which this year falls to fifth place as he has been on tour but also revenues were $ 52 million (40.8 million) and its influence on social networks still "tremendous".
The diva of American television, Oprah Winfrey, clinging to second place in the ranking even though its revenues fell 43% to 125 million dollars (98.2 million) in a year "challenging" for her while pulling out its new cable channel, OWN.
Jennifer Lopez, interpreter 'Let's Get Loud' or 'Love Do not Cost A Thing' has been catapulted from the # fifties of last year to lead this ranking of the hundred stars of film, television, music and sport. "The triple threat latina got her as a jury of 'American Idol' is transformed into hit songs, an increase in sales, three new movies and more fans," said Forbes', which measures both the power and fame as money from the stars.
JLo, who last summer broke Marc Anthony, has amassed over the last year a profit of $ 52 million (40.8 million), more than double the 25 million the previous year, according to data compiled by 'Forbes'.
The Puerto Rican star took the throne at the New Yorker Lady Gaga, which this year falls to fifth place as he has been on tour but also revenues were $ 52 million (40.8 million) and its influence on social networks still "tremendous".
The diva of American television, Oprah Winfrey, clinging to second place in the ranking even though its revenues fell 43% to 125 million dollars (98.2 million) in a year "challenging" for her while pulling out its new cable channel, OWN.
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