domingo, 2 de junio de 2013
jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013
The Fosters: Premiere on Monday on abc Family

The world premiere of The Fosters is only weeks away, y'all! We're SO excited for you to see this show. Keep clicking to meet the cast! The Fosters stars Cierra Ramirez as Mariana, David Lambert as Brandon, Jake T. Austin as Jesus, Teri Polo as Stef, Sherri Saum as Lena and Maia Mitchell as Callie.

Watch the world premiere on Monday, June 3 at 9/8c!

The Fosters

Sherri Saum
Lena Adams
Lena Adams

Jake T. Austin
Jesus Foster
Jesus Foster

David Lambert
Brandon Foster
Brandon Foster

Maia Mitchell

Danny Nucci
Mike Foster
Mike Foster

Cierra Ramirez
Mariana Foster
Mariana Foster
miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013

Barclaycard presents British Summer Time Hyde Park, a ground breaking new summer concert series from Friday 5 July - Sunday 14 July 2013.
Barclaycard presents British Summer Time Hyde Park, a ground breaking new summer concert series from Friday 5 July - Sunday 14 July 2013.
Lionel Richie and Jennifer Lopez tickets are on presale Wednesday 9am!!
AEG Live and The Royal Parks are delighted to confirm the legendary Lionel Richie and Jennifer Lopez as headline acts playing on The Great Oak Stage on the 14th July - the closing day of the first-ever Barclaycard Presents British Summer Time Hyde Park. They will be joined onstage by the outstanding Daft Punk collaborator, Nile Rogers who will be fronting his seminal dance outfit, Chic as well as Camden Town’s own Eliza Doolittle. The Great Oak Stage will continue in true party style with an opening set by the feisty UK girl trio, Stooshe.
But the fun-packed finale of what is set to become the event for Summer in the city certainly won’t end there. Non-stop dance and party action will be spread over 3 other stages - The Village Hall, The Barclaycard Unwind Theatre and The Bandstand, which has been aptly renamed The Funkstand for this one day. All across London’s most famous park on 14th July - as the 10-day event comes to a close - Barclaycard Presents British Summer Time Hyde Park will present some of the best in UK music of the last 20 years. The Funkstand will go wild with the likes of Icognito, Pigbag and Light of The World - forerunners of the late 1970s/early 1980’s British jazz/funk movement. The Village Hall will feature young, urban artists - Charlie Brown, Vince Kidd - star of The Voice - and hotly-tipped rappers, Smiler and Amplify Dott. And the Barclaycard Unwind Theatre will see Queen of British soul music, Beverly Knight, strut her stuff with Deliah Angel and London’s urban girl band, M.O.
From Monday to Thursday, the entire Barclaycard Presents British Summer Time Hyde Park site, except the main stage, will give visitors the chance to get involved with smaller, more intimate events offering film, music, literature, sport. Across Hyde Park, there will be 3 themed zones, each with its own specially designed installations and entertainment, high quality restaurants, bespoke salons, pubs, cocktail bars, cafes, bistros and independent food stalls.
Legendary singer songwriter Lionel Richie and Latin sensation Jennifer Lopez will be performing in Hyde Park during this summer’s Barclaycard Presents British Summer Time.
The Garden
Guests will receive one complimentary food offer from our Garden Stalls ranging the Burger Shack serving a wide variety of Burgers from Salmon and lobster to Devilled pulled Pork to Pan Asian serving a range of Thai and Authentic Indian cuisine plus four complimentary wine, beer and soft drinks tokens.
• Floor standing ticket in the Gold Circle
• One complimentary food offer token
• Four complimentary drinks tokens
• Dedicated hospitality entrance
• Souvenir laminate & lanyard
£225 per person
King’s View Upgrade
Enjoy all of the perks of The Garden however instead of a standing ticket you will receive a reserved seat the grandstand and instead of a complimentary food token, guests will have access to The King’s View Lounge where you will enjoy our Sunday Carvery.
• Reserved seat located in the hospitality grandstand
• Carvery meal in the King’s View Lounge
£299 per person
There are also an extremely limited number of 15 Seater Private Suites for this weekend offer.
For further details, contact AEG Hospitality on 0207 757 7563
Package details are subject to change
viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013
sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013
Jennifer López, fan por un día de su hermana Lynda

Formaron equipo para promocionar una causa social con la que colabora su fundación.
Una de ellas vive permanentemente bajo los focos, sus movimientos se siguen con atención y su talento es de sobra conocido alrededor de todo el mundo.
La otra hace un trabajo igual de importante y relevante pero en la sombra. Sin embargo, ambas comparten educación y apellidos y de vez en cuando acaparan atenciones por igual.
Jennifer López y su hermana Lynda tienen más cosas en común que sus orígenes, aunque si cabe una de las más importantes es su dedicación a causas sociales.
A través de la fundación Lopez Family ayudan a crear mejores condiciones de vida y a dotar a las clínicas de medios tecnológicos modernos que logran mejorar sus servicios.
Lynda, periodista de profesión, se encarga precisamente de liderar esta fundación, por eso acudió con su conocida hermana a dar una charla en Nueva York sobre una iniciativa de estas características.
Aunque Jennifer acude a casi todas partes con su inseparable novio, Casper Smart, en esta ocasión paseó del brazo de su hermana para comentar su colaboración con la iniciativa de Global Mom Relay, que recauda dinero gracias al número de veces que se comparte en las redes sociales y que entregará sus fondos a programas para lleva la tecnología de la telemedicina a los hospitales.
“Esa es una de las razones por las que mi hermana Jennifer y yo empezamos nuestro trabajo” comentó Lynda. Y es que gracias a estos medios las madres pueden recibir mensajes de texto en sus móviles que les dan directrices acerca de salud. “Para mujeres como Asha Rani, en Bangladesh, seguir estos mensajes les ayuda a cuidar mejor de ellas mismas y sus bebés. En definitiva, pone el poder de la salud en la palma de su mano”. Mientras daba estas explicaciones, Jennifer la escuchaba con atención y es que, en esta ocasión, ella fue quien se convirtió en fan de la auténtica estrella.

Teamed up to promote a social cause with which works its foundation.
One of them live permanently in the spotlight, their movements are followed carefully and talent is well known around the world.
The other takes a job as important and relevant but in the shade. However, both share education and surname and occasionally grabbing attention alike.
Jennifer Lopez and her sister Lynda have more in common than their origins, although it is one of the most important is his dedication to social causes.
Through Lopez Family Foundation help create better living conditions and clinics providing modern technological means that are able to improve their services.
Lynda, a journalist by profession, is responsible for leading precisely this foundation, so we went with his sister known to give a talk in New York on an initiative of this kind.
Although Jennifer goes almost everywhere with his trusty boyfriend, Casper Smart, this time walked arm of his sister to discuss his collaboration with the Global Initiative Mom Relay, which raises money thanks to the number of times they shared on the networks social and deliver your funds to programs leading telemedicine technology to hospitals.
"That's one of the reasons why my sister Jennifer and I began our work," said Lynda. It is thanks to these means mothers can receive text messages on their phones that give them guidelines on health. "For women like Asha Rani, Bangladesh, following these posts helps them take better care of themselves and their babies. In short, puts the power of health in the palm of his hand. " While giving these explanations, Jennifer listened attentively is that, this time, she was a fan who became the real star.
Jennifer Lopez hablará de su ruptura con Marc en un documental
La actriz y cantante realizó una película sobre su gira "Dance Again World Tour", donde el mundo podrá ver los momento difíciles que pasó durante su divorcio.
Jennifer aseguró que se deprimió mucho con su divorcio. (Foto: Getty Images)
La cantante estadounidense seguirá los pasos de estrellas como Justin Bieber o Katy Perry lanzando una película documental centrada en su gira 'Dance Again World Tour'. La cinta, en 3D, incluirá momentos muy personales de la artista, sin evitar siquiera su dolorosa ruptura con Marc Anthony.
"He encarado un gran cambio en mi vida en los últimos tiempos, con el divorcio y otras cosas, pero aunque parezca increíble pensamos que sería buena idea grabarlo todo", declaró a la emisora Z100 de Nueva York.
Jennifer y Marc Anthony terminaron su matrimonio de siete años --en el que tuvieron a sus gemelos Max y Emme, de cinco años-- en 2011, lo que produjo una gran tristeza en la cantante, quien sintió "que toda su vida se desmoronaba" con esa ruptura.
"Era muy difícil levantarte por la mañana. Muy difícil. Cuando estás deprimida y triste todo el tiempo es muy difícil. Sentía que toda mi vida se había desmoronado. Lo que había conocido durante siete u ocho años, junto a mis hijos y todo lo demás, había hecho ¡boom! ¡Una explosión!", declaró.
Sin embargo, no hay mal que cien años dure y ahora Jennifer es una mujer feliz al lado de su joven bailarín Casper Smart, mientras que recientemente Marc ha estado ligado sentimentalmente a Chloe Green, la heredera del imperio Topshop.
Jennifer said that he became very depressed with his divorce. (Photo: Getty Images)
The singer follows in the footsteps of stars like Justin Bieber or Katy Perry launching a documentary film focused on her 'Dance Again World Tour'. The film, in 3D, will include very personal moments of the artist, not avoiding even his painful breakup with Marc Anthony.
"I faced a big change in my life in recent times, with divorce and other things, but incredibly thought it would be a good idea to record it all," he told the New York radio station Z100.
Jennifer and Marc Anthony ended their seven-year marriage - which had their twins Max and Emme, five years - in 2011, which was a great sadness for the singer, who felt "that his whole life was crumbling "with that break.
"It was very difficult to get up in the morning. Very difficult. When you're depressed and sad all the time is very difficult. Felt that my whole life had fallen apart. What had known for seven or eight years, with my children and everything others had done boom! A bang! "he said.
However, there is no evil that lasts a hundred years and now Jennifer is a happy woman next to her young dancer Casper Smart, while Marc has recently been romantically linked to Chloe Green, the Topshop heiress.
miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013
Fox plans to replace Mariah Carey by Jennifer Lopez half-season of 'American Idol'
American Idol 'is not in his prime. The musical talent has suffered a sharp drop in the ratings with its twelfth season. To stop this downward trend, Fox makers launched a controversial plan that consisted primarily replace veteran Mariah Carey by Jennifer Lopez, which has public favor.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the team won frontally Mariah Carey this measure chain threatening legal action against her. Immediately, producers and Fox executives abandoned the idea. However, rumors say that you are negotiations could take shape at the end of the season in May, a plan that would include the identification of a panel of judges completely renovated.
The team of the twelfth season of 'American Idol'
"This is just another ridiculous rumor that probably has started following negotiations with Jennifer Lopez purporting to act in the final," said a Fox spokesman Furthermore, a representative of Mariah Carey wanted to settle the rumors stating that the program has not started "no conversation" about the possible replacement of your represented by Jennifer Lopez.
Changes that do not work
The jury table 'American Idol' starred a big change to the outputs of Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler after the end of the eleventh edition. Then, the chain strong wagered three well-known faces in the music industry for the next season: Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban.
Undoubtedly, the judges are a key to the smooth running of the program. Mariah Carey was one of the greatest assets to the 12th edition. However, the singer of "Hero" has managed to get the audience in his pocket. Although 'American Idol' remains the most watched in their two days of issuance, the format has undergone a dangerous descent.
American Idol' no está en su mejor momento. El talent musical ha sufrido una fuerte caída en los índices de audiencia con su decimosegunda temporada. Para frenar esa tendencia a la baja, los responsables de Fox pusieron en marcha un controvertido plan que consistía principalmente en sustituir a Mariah Carey por la veterana Jennifer Lopez, que cuenta con el favor del público.
Según informa The Hollywood Reporter, el equipo de Mariah Carey se impuso frontalmente a esta medida, amenazando a la cadena con tomar acciones legales contra ella. Inmediatamente, los productores y ejecutivos de Fox abandonaron la idea. Sin embargo, los rumores señalan que estás negociaciones podrían coger forma al final de la temporada en mayo, un plan que incluiría la búsqueda de un panel de jueces totalmente renovado.
El equipo de la decimosegunda temporada de 'American Idol'
"Esto es sólo otro rumor ridículo que probablemente se haya iniciado tras las negociaciones mantenidas con Jennifer López para que actué en la final", señala un portavoz de Fox. Por otro lado, un representante de Mariah Carey ha querido zanjar estos rumores declarando que el programa no ha iniciado "ninguna conversación" sobre la posible sustitución de su representada por Jennifer López.
Cambios que no funcionan
La mesa del jurado de 'American Idol' protagonizó un gran cambio con las salidas de Jennifer López y Steven Tyler tras el final de la undécima edición. Seguidamente, la cadena estadounidense aposto fuerte por tres rostros muy conocidos en la industria musical para la siguiente temporada: Mariah Carey, Nicki Minaj y Keith Urban.
Sin lugar a dudas, los jueces son una de las claves para el buen funcionamiento del programa. Mariah Carey era una de las grandes bazas para la 12ª edición. Sin embargo, la intérprete de "Hero" no ha conseguido meterse al público en el bolsillo. Aunque 'American Idol' se mantiene como lo más visto en sus dos días de emisión, el formato ha sufrido un peligroso descenso.
miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013
Shahrukh Khan requests have revealed the singer to perform in India.

A few days ago announced that JLo would not participate in the inauguration of the cricket league in India due to the extravagant demands.
Those close to Lopez say Khan and his production was 'Red Chillies', are behind what they called 'an attack on conscience' against the public image of the ex-wife of Marc Anthony.
The team of 'The Bronx Diva' highlighted, through an email, that contract details were known only to people you trust on both sides, so it would be unlikely that the team was in charge of JLo reveal details.
Jennifer is said demanded a private plane available at all hours, deluxe rooms for more than 25 people, a private chef, among other requirements that would not be affordable, because the league has an average audience of 60 million people, with which does not cover the expenses.
Pitbull is now in charge of entertainment, as the rapper was able to reach an agreement much cheaper.
Pese a la estrecha amistad que unía al actor indio Shahrukh Khan y la cantanteJennifer Lopez, ésta podría romperse de confirmarse las sospechas de que el actor fue el responsable de filtrar las exigencias de la también cantante para actuar en un evento.
Hace unos días se dio a conocer que JLo no participaría en la inauguración de la liga de cricket de la India debido a las extravagantes demandas.
Los allegados a López aseguran que fue Khan y su productora 'Red Chillies', están detrás de lo que llamaron 'un ataque a conciencia' contra la imagen pública de la ex esposa de Marc Anthony.
El equipo de 'La Diva del Bronx' resaltó, por medio de un correo electrónico, que los detalles del contrato sólo eran conocidos por gente de confianza de ambas partes, por lo que sería improbable que el equipo de JLo fuese el encargado de revelar los detalles.
Se dice que Jennifer exigió un avión privado disponible a todas horas, habitaciones de lujo para más de 25 personas, un chef particular, entre muchas otras exigencias que no sería costeables, pues la liga tiene una audiencia promedio de 60 millones de personas, con las cuales no se cubren los gastos.
Ahora será Pitbull el encargado del entretenimiento, ya que con el rapero se logró llegar a un acuerdo mucho más económico.
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony were reunited with their partners

Apparently, Jennifer Lopez decided to end the rumors that she did not approve of the romance that Marc had with the young Chloe Green, and proved once again that what he wants most is to see her ex-husband happy.
The meeting between couples that took place in the apartment where the singer lives with her partner, dancer Casper Smart, was released by sources close to the couple said that the reason for this had been to give welcome to the family Marc's girlfriend and their children feel good parental relationship.
"As has always happened since the end of her marriage, friendship and love between Marc and Jennifer remain intact, so Jennifer always strives to help her ex-husband to be happy. So Jennifer and Casper Chloe decided to give welcome to the family with a meeting in his house, in which the four talked about their relationship with the children."
Grazia magazine revealed a source close to the singer New York. At 22, Chloe Green has shown a knack for understanding with twins Max and Emme (sons of JLo and Anthony) and it is precisely these skills that have awakened babysitter jealousy in the Bronx diva. Whatever the true opinion that Jennifer Lopez has on the young designer, the daughter of renowned entrepreneur Phillip Green has exhibited in his last public appearances a greater degree of involvement in the daily life of the star of the music, so those close to the English have been pretty convinced that his spontaneous romance is actually more serious than initially thought. _________________________________________________________________________________

Al parecer, Jennifer López decidió ponerle fin a los rumores que decían que ella no aprobaba el romance que Marc tenía con la joven Chloe Green, y demostró una vez más que lo que más quiere es ver feliz a su ex marido.
La reunión entre parejas que se llevó a cabo en el apartamento en el cual reside la cantante con su pareja, el bailarín Casper Smart, se dio a conocer gracias a fuentes cercanas a la pareja que afirmaron que el motivo de esta había sido el de darle la bienvenida a la familia a la novia de Marc y para que sus hijos sintieran la buena relación de sus padres.
“Como siempre ha ocurrido desde el fin de su matrimonio, la amistad y el cariño entre Marc y Jennifer permanecen intactos, por lo que Jennifer siempre se esfuerza en ayudar a su ex marido a que sea feliz. Por eso, Jennifer y Casper decidieron dar a Chloe la bienvenida a la familia con un encuentro en su casa, en el que los cuatro hablaron de su relación con los niños.”, reveló a la revista Grazia una fuente cercana a la intérprete neoyorquina.
A sus 22 años, Chloe Green ha demostrado tener una habilidad especial para entenderse con los mellizos Max y Emme (hijos de JLo y Anthony) y son precisamente esos dotes de niñera las que habrían despertado los celos en la diva del Bronx. Sea cual sea la verdadera opinión que Jennifer López tiene sobre la joven diseñadora, la hija del reputado empresario Phillip Green ha exhibido en sus últimas apariciones públicas un mayor grado de implicación en la vida cotidiana del astro de la música, por lo que los allegados a la guapa inglesa ya se han convencido de que su espontáneo idilio es, en realidad, más serio de lo que en principio se pensaba.
jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013
Un Global Mom

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013
Jennifer Lopez stars in the cover of Glam Beauty America

The famous Glamour magazine reported the release of American Beauty Glam publication aimed at Hispanic women and that in its first edition features the famous star Jennifer Lopez on the cover.
The magazine, whose content is written in English by 90%, will be published under the direction of editor in chief Cindy Leive and Veronica Chambers as editor, says a press release, which also indicates that Sarah Vines was named art director.
"We are excited about the expansion of the brand with Glam Glamour Beauty America. Our readers are obsessed with beauty and Latinas are a large part of our readership, which makes this a natural evolution for us," said Leive .
The new publication celebrates Latino culture and passion for beauty, the statement said, adding that the reader will find in its pages from information on fragrances and skin care to beauty tips from celebrities.
Among the contributors to the first edition, Glam Beauty America has the Cuban designer Narciso Rodriguez.
In the interview with Jennifer Lopez, Puerto Rican actress stressed that "the Latin beauty is a rainbow. We nuances of black skin, white and caramel, have blonde hair, blue eyes and brown eyes, have darker tone dark skin. "
"The Latin beauty is for everyone," he said.
GlobalMed Presents Entertainer Jennifer Lopez with Donation to Lopez Family Foundation
Joel E. Barthelemy, Founder and Managing Director of GlobalMed®—the worldwide leader in real-time healthcare delivery systems—presented actress and singer Jennifer Lopez with a $50,000 check towards the Lopez Family Foundation, which supports the health and wellbeing of women and children through telemedicine. The check was given in honor of Lopez and the foundation being named the winner of the 2013 American Telemedicine Association (ATA) Humanitarian Award.
GlobalMed Founder and Managing Director Joel E. Barthelemy presents a check for $50,000 to actress and singer Jennifer Lopez that will go towards her foundation, the Lopez Family Foundation, which helps provide access to quality healthcare and health education to women and children living in underserved and underprivileged communities. (Photo: Business Wire)
Barthelemy presented the check to Lopez on Wednesday, March 6 in Los Angeles following a video Lopez made for the upcoming ATA annual conference May 5-7 in Austin, TX.
Lopez and her sister, Lynn Lopez, started the foundation to improve access to quality healthcare and health education to women and children living in underserved and underprivileged communities. The goals of the foundation include expanding the number of telemedicine clinics domestically and abroad to increase “access to top quality pediatric care for the most serious cases.”
In a video statement that will be shown at the ATA conference, Lopez said she was honored to receive the Humanitarian Award from the ATA and has seen the positive impact of telemedicine in improving patients’ health and wellbeing.
Barthelemy said he is glad to be able to support a cause that is helping provide much-needed access to healthcare in places with the greatest need.
“The Lopez Family Foundation is an amazing organization that is giving the opportunity for quality healthcare to families and children in areas that need it the most,” Barthelemy said. “We are proud to be able to support this effort and help build on the foundation’s goals.”
About GlobalMed
GlobalMed designs interoperable and customizable solutions for healthcare providers that lower costs and increase access to quality of care, while meeting the medical data and image delivery needs of a full range of healthcare specialties.
© 2002-2012 GlobalMedia Group, LLC. All trademarks are the property of their respective holders. All Rights Reserved. for more information.
About the American Telemedicine Association
The American Telemedicine Association is the leading international resource and advocate promoting the use of advanced remote medical technologies. ATA and its diverse membership work to fully integrate telemedicine into healthcare systems to improve quality, equity and affordability of healthcare throughout the world. For more information, visit
lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013
Jennifer Lopez: 'I needed the music aside and return to cinema'
The last film premiere of Jennifer Lopez, the action thriller 'Parker', has given the artist the opportunity to undertake new professional challenges that are far from the majestic image projected by his musical career. The versatile performer is pleased to exhibit to his followers throughout his versatility as an actress in a dramatic role, in your opinion, is completely different not only musical of his final appearances, but also the latest movies that populate his career on the big screen .
"I have several years making dance music and touring around the world, so I needed the music aside temporarily and focus on my way back to the movies. Knew it would be hard for people to forget that image for a moment I cultivated on shows like 'American Idol' with my own music, and even with the latest romantic comedies I've done. But the director [Taylor Hackford, husband of Oscar winner Helen Mirren] is precisely why I chose to surprise viewers . My character is neither glamorous nor a pop diva, "Be honest media star at the Yorkshire Evening Post newspaper.

"Leslie is the typical person who seems to have reached the end of the road, but still refuses to give up and still struggling to survive. Believe that this description also fits Jennifer Lopez. Both are from the Bronx, has had a series of survive ups and downs but through effort and determination.'s why I picked for the role, "the director revealed in the same interview.

"It's a dump with its principal actors. At one point I said, 'What are you supposed to do now?'. I replied that I had not the slightest idea and he said, 'Perfect, that's I want '. Together we have enjoyed a lot of freedom and room for improvisation. was always open to suggestions and new ways of working, "concluded Jennifer.
It will premiere on Monday, June 3rd PREMIERE!

The new ABC Family series The Fosters from executive producer Jennifer Lopez About two moms raising a large family has gotten picked up and will begin airing in the summer. There's a sentence I never thought I'd type yet am so happy I can.
ABC Family president Michael Riley Announced the news today, saying the new one-hour drama fits into the network's "groundbreaking storytelling and iconic characters" and will bring "the same depth, heart, close relationships and authenticity That our viewers have come to expect. '
The two moms will be played by Teri Polo (Meet the Parents, The West Wing) as police officer Stef Foster and Sherri Saum (In Treatment, Sunset Beach) primary school as Lena Foster. Their large, multi-ethnic brood includes biological and ADOPTED children. Their household will be disrupted When They take in another child, Callie (played by Maia Mitchell), a troubled teen with an abusive past.
ABC Family Also released the first photos of the new series, and gay ladies everywhere will no doubt be thrilled to see Stef is in uniform for all of them.
The Foster family / Courtesy ABC Family
Maia Mitchell as Callie / Courtesy ABC Family
Executive producer is being joined by Lopez series creators Bradley Bredeweg (Fly Girls) andPeter Paige (Queer As Folk), who will serve as writers and Also executive producers. The show will begin production in the spring.
So, thoughts on The Fosters? Excited to let this family into your living rooms every week? No matter how it turned out, you've got to congratulate ABC Family on being so even when it comes to what makes a family in the first place.
ABC Family president Michael Riley Announced the news today, saying the new one-hour drama fits into the network's "groundbreaking storytelling and iconic characters" and will bring "the same depth, heart, close relationships and authenticity That our viewers have come to expect. '
The two moms will be played by Teri Polo (Meet the Parents, The West Wing) as police officer Stef Foster and Sherri Saum (In Treatment, Sunset Beach) primary school as Lena Foster. Their large, multi-ethnic brood includes biological and ADOPTED children. Their household will be disrupted When They take in another child, Callie (played by Maia Mitchell), a troubled teen with an abusive past.
ABC Family Also released the first photos of the new series, and gay ladies everywhere will no doubt be thrilled to see Stef is in uniform for all of them.
The Foster family / Courtesy ABC Family
Maia Mitchell as Callie / Courtesy ABC Family
Executive producer is being joined by Lopez series creators Bradley Bredeweg (Fly Girls) andPeter Paige (Queer As Folk), who will serve as writers and Also executive producers. The show will begin production in the spring.
So, thoughts on The Fosters? Excited to let this family into your living rooms every week? No matter how it turned out, you've got to congratulate ABC Family on being so even when it comes to what makes a family in the first place.
miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Future is racking up his résumé. Following his collaborations with Rihanna, Kelly Rowland, and Ciara, the Freebandz Gang rapper was in the studio with Jennifer Lopez last night. In addition to penning hits for the pop superstar, he will have production credits and will be featured on her upcoming album.
“Back on the block!! Guess what’s coming… @1future #studiolife #10,” tweeted J.Lo, while Future added, “We Got 1 jlo.”
Future is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after artists in the industry, and has recently been in the studio with Monica, Shakira, and Usher.
The Atlanta rapper is also busy recording his sophomore album Future Hendrix. The lead single, “Karate Chop” featuring Lil Wayne, enters at No. 39 on the Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay chart this week.
jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013
Jennifer Lopez: Store Opening Events with Casper Smart!
Jennifer Lopez: Store Opening Events with Casper Smart!

Jennifer Lopez hits the carpet at the opening of Tommy Hilfiger’s New West Coast Flagship Store on Wednesday (February 13) on Robertson Boulevard in West Hollywood, Calif.
The 43-year-old entertainer was seen holding hands with her boyfriend Casper Smart, 25, that evening as they headed to the Topshop Topman LA Opening Party at Cecconi’s for another party.
Over the weekend, Jen and Casperwalked the red carpet together at the2013 Grammy Awards.
10+ pictures inside of Jennifer Lopezand Casper Smart at the events…
Jennifer Lopez beautiful with bee venom
La megaestrella no defrauda y sigue haciendo apariciones espectaculares. A sus 43 años ninguna de las famosas más jóvenes la hace sombra cuando posa en la alfombra roja. Y ahora, gracias a una indiscreción de su maquilladora, Mary Phillips, podemos conocer que es lo que hace para tener ese cutis tan rutilante. Desde hace unos meses Jennifer Lopez usa el veneno de abeja para cuidar de su piel.
Después de la crema de baba de caracol o con veneno de serpiente, es el veneno (toxina melitina) de abeja, ¡cuidado! no confundir con avispa, que no es lo mismo, en el que se ha fijado Rodial, la marca inglesa de cosmética, para lanzar su nueva línea de tratamiento facial llamada 'Bee Venom', en la que la miel con veneno de abeja se utiliza cosméticamente para 'engañar' a la piel para que crea que ha sido ligeramente picada con la 'toxina melitina'. Esto hace que la sangre vaya directamente hacia la zona y estimule la producción natural de químicos, colágeno y elastina. El colágeno refuerza los tejidos del cuerpo, mientras que la elastina es la proteína que ayuda a la piel a mantenerse tensa y rebotar de nuevo después de ser presionado o pellizcado. El veneno tiene también el efecto de la relajación de los músculos.
Recolecta. Los apicultores cosméticos recogen veneno de abeja mediante la colocación de un panel de vidrio junto a una colmena que ejecuta una débil corriente eléctrica a través de él, lo que anima a los insectos a picar la superficie depositando allí el veneno que se van retirando. En realidad son cantidades mínimas de veneno las que se pueden recoger por eso es tan valioso y uno de los más caros en el mercado.
Sus efectos: Redefine la superficie de la piel, ayuda a rellenar y suavizar la apariencia de líneas de expresión y arrugas, mientras que el ácido hialurónico proporciona una hidratación intensiva y una hidratación de larga duración para un cutis radiante.
La crema hidratante Rodial Bee Venom Moisturizer trabaja en sinergia con un complejo único de células madre vegetales para ayudar a mejorar visiblemente el tono de la piel y su elasticidad. Ciclopéptido-5 y Juvinity que redefine la superficie de la piel, ayuda a rellenar y suavizar la apariencia de líneas de expresión y arrugas, mientras que el ácido hialurónico proporciona una hidratación intensiva y de larga duracióne.165 €.
Bee Venom Super Serum tonifica la piel, corrige las imperfecciones y rellenar y suavizar la apariencia de las finas líneas de expresión y arrugas. Bio colágeno marino 6 ayuda a mejorar la elasticidad de la piel, mientras que MariMoist proporciona una hidratación inmediata y duradera. 175 €.
Rodial Bee Venom Eye para el contorno de los ojos ayudaa mejorar visiblemente el tono y la elasticidad de la piel, mientras que el ciclopéptido-5 suaviza la apariencia de las finas líneas de expresión y las arrugas de alrededor de la delicada zona de los ojos. El Haloxyl disminuye la apariencia de las ojeras. 125 €.
The megastar does not disappoint and continues to make spectacular appearances. At 43 years none of the younger famous shadow makes when posing on the red carpet. And now, thanks to an indiscretion of her makeup artist, Mary Phillips, we know that is what you do to have that skin so brilliant. A few months ago Jennifer Lopez uses bee venom to take care of your skin.
After the cream of snail or snake venom, is the poison (toxin melittin) bee careful! not to be confused with wasp, which is not the same, which is set Rodial, the English brand of cosmetics, to launch its new line of facial treatment called 'Bee Venom', in which honey bee venom is used cosmetically to 'trick' the skin into thinking it has been lightly chopped with the 'toxin melittin'. This causes blood to go directly to the area and stimulate the natural production of chemicals, collagen and elastin. Collagen strengthens body tissues, while elastin is the protein that helps keep skin taut and bounce back after being pressed or pinched. The venom also has the effect of relaxing the muscles.
Collect. Beekeepers cosmetic bee venom collected by placing a glass panel with a beehive that a weak electrical current running through it, which encourages the insects to sting the surface depositing there the poison to be withdrawn. They are actually amounts of poison which can be collected so it is very valuable and one of the most expensive on the market.
Its effects: Redefine the surface of the skin, helps to fill and smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while hyaluronic acid provides intensive hydration and long-lasting hydration for a radiant complexion.
Rodial Moisturizer Moisturizer Bee Venom works in synergy with a unique complex of plant stem cells to help visibly improve skin tone and elasticity. Cyclopeptide-5 and Juvinity that redefines the surface of the skin, helps to fill and smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while hyaluronic acid provides intensive hydration and long duracióne.165 €.

Jennifer Lopez, the 'scare-spontaneous'

Con lo que no contaba este espontáneo, un conocido showman y periodista ucraniano llamado Vitalii Sediuk y viejo conocido en Hollywood, es que Jennifer lo 'abatiría' con su mirada y le impidiera el paso y no consiguiera acercarse a la autora de 'Someone like you' mientras se le oía decir : "Es un honor tan grande recibir este premio. Te quiero, Adele".
Bastó una mirada de Jennifer y un movimiento de su pulgar para que el intruso cejara en su empeño y se marchara, discreto, hacia el backstage mientras la británica disfrutaba de su minuto de gloria.
Según explica la web de 'Hollywood Reporter', Vitalli trabaja en la cadena Ukraine 1 1 que logró colarse en la ceremonia de los Grammys sin acreditación de ningún tipo. De hecho, entró junto a Katy Perry sin que ningún miembro de seguridad le parase. Después, se sentó en segunda fila, justo detrás de Justin Timberlake y Jessica Biel.
No fue hasta que intentó interceptar a Adele cuando fue detenido por miembros de seguridad del evento y pasó la noche en prisión. Tendrá una vista en la Corte el próximo mes de marzo.
El espontáneo saltó a la fama por el beso que le espetó a Will Smith en la premiere de 'Men in Black 3' en Moscú.
They say it lacks character not Jennifer Lopez and judging by what happened in the show of the Grammys this Sunday, and I just doubt it. It all happened on stage. Jennifer and Pitbull Adele waiting to go up to collect his award for best pop solo performance. Suddenly, a spontaneous attempt to steal the limelight from the British singer and goes to meet him.

Jennifer took one look and a flick of his thumb to the intruder relent in its efforts and left, discreet, toward the backstage while the British enjoyed his moment of glory.
Site explains the 'Hollywood Reporter', Vitalli chain works in Ukraine January 1 that managed to sneak into the Grammy ceremony without confirmation of any kind. In fact, Katy Perry went along without any security member will stop. Then he sat in the second row, just behind Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel.
It was not until he tried to intercept Adele when he was arrested by members of the security of the event and spent the night in jail. It will have a court hearing next March.
The spontaneous shot to fame by the kiss he snapped at Will Smith at the premiere of 'Men in Black 3' in Moscow.
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