Jennifer Lopez sells gifts she gave Marc Anthony
Según refiere el diario Chicago Sun Times, Jennifer López se está “deshaciendo en secreto” de los lujosos regalos que le dio Marc Anthony durante el tiempo en que estuvieron juntos.
Muchas joyas costosas que Marc Anthony le regaló a JLo han sido puestas a la venta por la artista. Los dos cantantes anunciaron que su matrimonio había terminado en julio y ahora López sale con el bailarín Casper Smart.
Fuentes cercanas a la cantante señalan que ella quiere seguir con su vida adelante y aparentemente no siente necesidad de mantener los recuerdos de su vida con Marc.
“Se ha informado que JLo está vendiendo en secreto todas las joyas que Anthony le dio, y le regaló muchas. También se sabe que ha regalado ropa y otros regalos”, refiere el mencionado diario.
Se dice también que Jennifer López de 42 años ha decidido remodelar y refaccionar la casa que compartió con el salsero.
Al parecer, la intérprete de "On the Floor" ha sacado muchas de las fotografías de su excónyuge. Sin embargo, aún conserva muchas fotos del cantante junto a sus dos gemelos Max y Emme de tres años de edad en sus dormitorios.
"Cuando Jennifer sigue adelante, continua dejando de lado todo", explicó una fuente a la publicación.
La actriz y cantante se ha casado dos veces, primero con Ojani Noa y luego con Cris Judd. También mantuvo sonadas relaciones con P. Diddy y Ben Affleck, y se sabe que ella siempre se desprende de los regalos de sus antiguas parejas, cuando se separa de ellas.
As reported by the Chicago Sun Times, Jennifer Lopez is "secretly undoing" of the lavish gifts he gave Marc Anthony during the time they were together.
Many expensive jewelry that Marc Anthony gave to JLo have been offered for sale by the artist. The two singers announced that their marriage was over in July and now comes with the dancer Lopez Casper Smart.
Sources close to the singer say that she wants to continue with your life forward and apparently feels no need to keep the memories of her life with Marc
"It is reported that JLo is secretly selling any jewelry that Anthony gave him, and gave him many. Also known to have given clothes and other gifts, "referred to in that newspaper.
It is also said that Jennifer Lopez has 42 years decided to remodel and refurbish the house he shared with the salsa.
Apparently, the singer of "On the Floor" has taken many photographs of his former spouse. However, it still retains many photos of the singer with her twins Max and Emme three years in their bedrooms.
"When Jennifer goes on, continuous apart from everything," a source told the publication.
The actress and singer has been married twice, first with Ojani Noa and then Cris Judd. He also held high-profile relationships with P. Diddy and Ben Affleck, and we know that she always follows the gifts of their former partners, when separated from them.
Muchas joyas costosas que Marc Anthony le regaló a JLo han sido puestas a la venta por la artista. Los dos cantantes anunciaron que su matrimonio había terminado en julio y ahora López sale con el bailarín Casper Smart.
Fuentes cercanas a la cantante señalan que ella quiere seguir con su vida adelante y aparentemente no siente necesidad de mantener los recuerdos de su vida con Marc.
“Se ha informado que JLo está vendiendo en secreto todas las joyas que Anthony le dio, y le regaló muchas. También se sabe que ha regalado ropa y otros regalos”, refiere el mencionado diario.
Se dice también que Jennifer López de 42 años ha decidido remodelar y refaccionar la casa que compartió con el salsero.
Al parecer, la intérprete de "On the Floor" ha sacado muchas de las fotografías de su excónyuge. Sin embargo, aún conserva muchas fotos del cantante junto a sus dos gemelos Max y Emme de tres años de edad en sus dormitorios.
"Cuando Jennifer sigue adelante, continua dejando de lado todo", explicó una fuente a la publicación.
La actriz y cantante se ha casado dos veces, primero con Ojani Noa y luego con Cris Judd. También mantuvo sonadas relaciones con P. Diddy y Ben Affleck, y se sabe que ella siempre se desprende de los regalos de sus antiguas parejas, cuando se separa de ellas.
As reported by the Chicago Sun Times, Jennifer Lopez is "secretly undoing" of the lavish gifts he gave Marc Anthony during the time they were together.
Many expensive jewelry that Marc Anthony gave to JLo have been offered for sale by the artist. The two singers announced that their marriage was over in July and now comes with the dancer Lopez Casper Smart.
Sources close to the singer say that she wants to continue with your life forward and apparently feels no need to keep the memories of her life with Marc
"It is reported that JLo is secretly selling any jewelry that Anthony gave him, and gave him many. Also known to have given clothes and other gifts, "referred to in that newspaper.
It is also said that Jennifer Lopez has 42 years decided to remodel and refurbish the house he shared with the salsa.
Apparently, the singer of "On the Floor" has taken many photographs of his former spouse. However, it still retains many photos of the singer with her twins Max and Emme three years in their bedrooms.
"When Jennifer goes on, continuous apart from everything," a source told the publication.
The actress and singer has been married twice, first with Ojani Noa and then Cris Judd. He also held high-profile relationships with P. Diddy and Ben Affleck, and we know that she always follows the gifts of their former partners, when separated from them.
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