Jennifer Lopez, nuevo objetivo de las 'One Million Moms' por su serie lésbica
Remember the One Million Moms? Sure. Mothers are hysterical, boring, Catholic and definitely not get from their husbands what they need, they devote all their efforts to eradicate homosexuality from the face of the Earth. They tried with Ellen DeGeneres , Urban Outfitters and even Marvel , and now it's up to Jennifer Lopez.
The reason, if you follow the career of America, is more than evident: his involvement as a producer on the series' Meet The Fosters', a comedy for ABC Family about lesbians, but not in plan 'L', but closer to ' Modern Family. The channel has given approval and the bitter of the One Million Moms have run to put the outcry: "The ABC has lost his mind. Already know you have many anti-family, and plan to add it to the grid ". They do not stay quiet and decide to go further: "Hollywood remains committed to make us believe that homosexuality is acceptable when the scriptures say it is sin. As Christians, the Bible tells us that we must face up to sin."
Religious extremism is as dangerous in the Middle East and in the West, and the only thing that stops these women to put a bomb vest and in person to the producer of the series is its bourgeois state, since no reason to complain. Hopefully eventually disappears and people like that, hopefully, J.Lo series has a great audience, so that the One Million Moms have another reason to lament his "end of the world".

The reason, if you follow the career of America, is more than evident: his involvement as a producer on the series' Meet The Fosters', a comedy for ABC Family about lesbians, but not in plan 'L', but closer to ' Modern Family. The channel has given approval and the bitter of the One Million Moms have run to put the outcry: "The ABC has lost his mind. Already know you have many anti-family, and plan to add it to the grid ". They do not stay quiet and decide to go further: "Hollywood remains committed to make us believe that homosexuality is acceptable when the scriptures say it is sin. As Christians, the Bible tells us that we must face up to sin."
Religious extremism is as dangerous in the Middle East and in the West, and the only thing that stops these women to put a bomb vest and in person to the producer of the series is its bourgeois state, since no reason to complain. Hopefully eventually disappears and people like that, hopefully, J.Lo series has a great audience, so that the One Million Moms have another reason to lament his "end of the world".

¿Te acuerdas de las One Million Moms? Seguro que sí. Son las madres histéricas, aburridas, católicas y que, definitivamente, no obtienen de sus maridos lo que les hace falta, que dedican todos sus esfuerzos a erradicar la homosexualidad de la faz de la Tierra. Lo intentaron con Ellen DeGeneres, Urban Outfitters y hasta con Marvel, y ahora le toca a Jennifer Lopez.
La razón, si sigues la carrera de la latina, es más que evidente: su participación como productora en la serie 'Meet The Fosters', una comedia para ABC Family sobre lesbianas, pero no en plan 'L', sino más cercano a 'Modern Family'. El canal ha dado el visto bueno y las amargadas de las One Million Moms han corrido a poner el grito en el cielo: "La ABC ha perdido la cabeza. Ya sabemos que tienen muchos programas anti-familia, y planean añadir eso a la parrilla". No se quedan tranquilas y deciden ir más allá: "Hollywood sigue empeñado en hacernos creer que la homosexualidad es aceptable cuando las escrituras declaran que es pecado. Como cristianos, la Biblia nos dice que hemos de enfrentarnos al pecado".
El extremismo religioso es tan peligroso en Oriente Medio como en Occidente, y lo único que frena a estas mujeres a colocarse un chaleco bomba y personarse en la productora de la serie es su situación burguesa, desde la que se quejan sin razón. Esperemos que, eventualmente, gente así desaparezca y, ojalá, la serie de J.Lo tenga una audiencia magnífica, para que las One Million Moms tengan una razón más para lamentarse de su "fin del mundo".
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