Jennifer Lopez, loyal to Obama and flirtatious mother in the 'front row' Parisian

Aprovechando su visita a la capital francesa con motivo precisamente de esta cita con la moda, Scarlett Johansson y Jennifer López acudieron también a la velada polítca. Scarlett llegó tras acudir a la presentación de una firma de ropa, con un sencillo mini vestido blanco con las mangas de gasa, combinado con complementos negros. Un look discreto que contrastó con el rojo intenso por el que se decantó Jennifer López.
Del brazo de su inseparable novio, Casper, con un impecable traje gris, la diva marcó curvas y enseñó lo justo a través de una larga abertura lateral. La pareja no se soltó de la mano ni un segundo hasta que entró en el lugar donde se celebraba la cena, organizada por la editora de moda Anna Wintour.
Al día siguiente Jennifer aprovechó el desfile de Channel para volver a pasear palmito. Su mini vestido blanco con bordados y sus altísimos tacones acapararon todos los flashes, aunque ella, ajena a la expectación, sólo tenía ojos para su hija Emme y su novio.
Enamorados como el primer día, sólo dejaron de intercambiar confidencias para hacerle carantoñas a la pequeña, que iba muy conjuntada y coqueta con su vestido rosa, por supuesto de la citada firma, chaqueta blanca y bolso también blanco con una mariposa. Y es que no hay mejor maestra que su madre en esto de la moda.
In the United States, but also in Europe. The Obama campaign multiplies its adherents among guild members music and film, which have joined forces to raise money to help him in his career at the White House. The party was organized on this occasion in Paris, fully immersed in fashion week as she attended the designers L'Wren Scott and Stella McCartney, and singers Kanye West and Mick Jagger.
During his visit to the French capital just this occasion date fashion, Scarlett Johansson and Jennifer Lopez also attended the evening policy consideration. Scarlett came after attending the presentation of a clothing company, with a simple white mini dress with chiffon sleeves, combined with black accessories. A discreet look that contrasted with the deep red on the Jennifer Lopez decanted.
The arm of her boyfriend inseparable, Casper, with a sleek gray suit, the diva marked curves and taught right through a long side slit. The couple did not let go of his hand for a second until he entered the place where the dinner was held, organized by fashion editor Anna Wintour.
The next day, Jennifer took the parade to return to Channel stroll palm. Your mini white dress with embroidery and high heels flashes monopolized all, although she, oblivious to the excitement, only had eyes for her daughter Emme and her boyfriend.
Love as the first day, only allowed to exchange confidences for the little cuddle him, he was very conjoined and flirty pink dress with her course of that firm, white jacket and bag also white with a butterfly. And there is no better teacher than his mother in this fashion.
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