The 'Diva Bronx' and the actor still talk frequently via emails
La que fuera una de las parejas más populares de la década pasada, que incluso estuvo a punto de llegar al altar, no ha dejado de lado su amistad a pesar de la ruptura amorosa.
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La 'diva del Bronx ' y el actor siguen hablando con frecuencia a través de correos electrónicos y, aunque su relación no es tan intensa como solía ser, Ben admite que intercambian elogios constantes sobre sus diversos éxitos profesionales.
"Me encanta Jennifer y la respeto mucho. Ha tenido que lidiar en los últimos años con muchos ataques que no merecía y me alegro mucho de que ahora le vaya todo tan bien en su carrera. Seguimos en contacto y tratamos de mantener la amistad por correo electrónico. No es que seamos tan amigos como para depender el uno del otro, son más bien mensajes ocasionales de apoyo: 'Tu última película es genial', por ejemplo", reveló el artista en la revista The Hollywood Reporter.
Tras formar una familia con la también actriz Jennifer Garner, parece que el actor estadounidense tiene una percepción más positiva de su etapa sentimental con Jennifer, ya que sólo tres años antes confesaba que su romance con la cantante latina había sido una experiencia muy estresante.
"Yo quería una serie de cosas que no pude conseguir, y el contexto de la fama contribuyó a que me sintiera asfixiado, miserable y completamente desorientado durante la relación", expresaba en una entrevista previa en 2009.
What was once one of the most popular couples of the past decade that even came close to reaching the altar, has not neglected his friendship despite the breakup.
Do you think JLo and Ben were nice couple? Comment in the Forums.
The 'Diva Bronx' and the actor still talk frequently through emails and, although their relationship is not as strong as it used to be, Ben admits that exchange constant compliments about their various professional successes.
"I love and respect very much Jennifer. Has had to deal in recent years with many attacks did not deserve and I am very happy that now everything will go so well in his career. Still in contact and try to keep the friendship by mail mail. not that we are such good friends to rely on each other, are rather occasional messages of support: 'Your latest film is great', for example, "said the artist in the magazine The Hollywood Reporter.
After starting a family to actress Jennifer Garner, the actor seems to have a more positive perception of his romance with Jennifer stage, since only three years before he confessed that his romance with Latino singer had been a very stressful experience.
"I wanted a number of things that I could not get, and the context of Fame helped me feel suffocated, miserable and completely disoriented during the relationship," expressed in a previous interview in 2009.
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