La ex de Marc Anthony decidió interpretar el tema “No me queda Más”, original de Selena, totalmente en español. El público se sintió muy bien con este gesto y disfrutó del tema junto a la cantante
En 1997 Jennifer Lopez reencarnó para la gran pantalla a la estrella más emblemática del tex-mex, Selena. La mexicana de Texas tuvo un impresionante ascenso a la fama con su estilo musical y su enorme carisma, lamentablemente una obsesión puso fin a su vida demasiado temprano en uno de los eventos trágicos que aún hoy conmocionan a la gente.
Según reseña, actualmente la diva Jennifer Lopez se encuentra de gira por Estados Unidos, en su paso por Dallas decidió dedicarle una canción a la estrella local, a la propia Selena. El sentido homenaje fue muy bien recibido por los asistentes.
Marc Anthony's ex decided to play the song "No me queda mas" original Selena, entirely in Spanish. The public was great with this gesture and enjoyed the theme with singer
In 1997 Jennifer Lopez reincarnated for the big screen to star flagship of Tejano, Selena. The Texas Mexican had an impressive rise to fame with his musical style and his enormous charisma, an obsession unfortunately ended his life too early in one of the tragic events that still stir up a people.
According review, currently the diva Jennifer Lopez is touring the United States, passing through Dallas decided to dedicate a song to the local star, Selena's own. The tribute was very well received by attendees.
ABC has given the green light to Jennifer Lopez's latest project
ABC ha dado luez verde al último proyecto de Jennifer López, un drama sobre una pareja de lesbianas. La cadena estadounidense ya ha ordenado emitir el episodio piloto de la nueva ficción producida por la artista y que lleva por título The Fosters, según The Hollywood Reporter.
La serie se centra en el día a día de una pareja de lesbianas cuyo hogar se pondrá patas arriba con la llegada de una caprichosa niña que se mudará con ellas. Una de las madres es una agente de policía, mientras que la otra es profesora de un colegio privado. Juntas tienen un hijo biológico y, además, adoptarán a unos gemelos -un niño y una niña-, formando así una gran familia.
La productora Nuyorican -que ha producido títulos como Ciudad del silencio o Big Easy Justice- es propiedad de la polifacética actriz-cantante y será la que se encargue de la producción de The Fosters.
López -que planea hacer un cameo en la serie como artista invitada- se convierte así en una de las productoras ejecutivas del proyecto. Peter Paige y Brad Bredeweg, creador y guionista respectivamente del drama, también producirán la serie.
Pero la labor de López como productora no acaba aquí. Su compañía, Nuyorican, también hará lo propio en otras series televisivas como Taming Ben Taylor, una comedia romántica que estará protagonizada por la propia Jennifer, o Sweet Little 1, que sigue las andanzas de una adolescente mexicana de su juventud a su madurez.
ABC has given the green light to Jennifer Lopez's latest project, a drama about a lesbian couple. The U.S. network has already ordered broadcast the pilot episode of the new fiction produced by the artist entitled The Fosters, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
The series focuses on the daily lives of a lesbian couple whose home will be upside down with the arrival of a whimsical girl who will move with them. One mother is a police officer, while the other is a teacher at a private school. Boards have a biological child and also take to twins-a boy and a girl, thus forming a large family.
The Nuyorican-producer who has produced films like silence or Town Big Easy Justice-is owned by the multi-talented singer and actress will take charge of the production of The Fosters.
Lopez, who plans to make a cameo on the show as guest-thus becomes one of the executive producers of the project. Peter Paige and Brad Bredeweg, creator and writer of the drama respectively, will also produce the series.
But Lopez's work as a producer does not end here. His company, Nuyorican, also will do the same in other television series such as Taming Ben Taylor, a romantic comedy that will star Jennifer's own, or Sweet Little one, which follows the adventures of a Mexican teenager from youth to maturity.
Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias finishes his tour earlier than planned
El tour que Enrique Iglesias y Jennifer Lopez andan liderando, terminará una fecha antes de lo programado ya que al parecer los organizadores decidieron cancelar la última fecha del tour.
El concierto estaba programado para el próximo 2 de septiembre en el centro Amway de Orlando, Florida. Así, tras la cancelación, el portal de la arena, anunció que el show fue cancelado "por problemas de logística".
Aunque AEG, la agencia promotora de este concierto no ha dado ninguna información adicional según reportó Pollstar, el dinero de los boletos será reembolsado en los centros donde se vendieron los tiquetes.
Aunque este tour encabezado por Jennifer Lopez y Enrique Iglesias, dos grandes representantes del fenómeno del pop latino, comenzó vendiendo tantos boletos que se tuvieron que añadir fechas en Miami y Montreal, es un hecho que la organización del tour deja mucho que desear.
Según han reportado diferentes medios, Wisin & Yandel se retiraron de la gira por "Problemas de producción irreconciliables", y fue tras el retiro del dueto que Frankie J entró a hacer parte del tour.
El tour encabezado por estos dos artistas latinos, comenzó el pasado 14 de julio en Montreal, Canadá, y tras la cancelación de la última fecha, terminará el próximo fin de semana con dos fechas en Miami; el viernes 31 de agosto y el Sábado 1 de septiembre. Los conciertos se realizarán en la American Airlines Arena.
Sea cual sea la razón de la cancelación, los seguidores de estos artistas no tienen porque preocuparse, pues Jennifer Lopez seguirá con su gira "Dance Again World Tour" en octubre y Enrique Iglesias estará el próximo 22 de septiembre en el iHeartRadio Music Festival en las vegas.
The tour that Enrique Iglesias and Jennifer Lopez walk leading, end a date earlier than scheduled because apparently the organizers decided to cancel the last date of the tour.
The concert was scheduled for September 2 at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida. Thus, after the cancellation, the sand portal, announced that the show was canceled "due to problems of logistics."
Although AEG, the concert promoter of this agency has given no information as reported by Pollstar, the money from the tickets will be refunded in the centers where the tickets were sold.
Although this tour led by Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias, two representatives of Latin pop phenomenon, began selling many tickets they had to add dates in Miami and Montreal, is a fact that the organization of the tour leaves much to be desired.
According to various media have reported, Wisin & Yandel withdrew from the tour of "irreconcilable Production problems", and went after the withdrawal of Frankie J duet came to be part of the tour.
The tour led by these two Latino artists, began on July 14 in Montreal, Canada, and after the cancellation of the last date, will end next weekend with two dates in Miami, on Friday August 31 and Saturday 1 September. Concerts will be held at the American Airlines Arena.
Whatever the reason for the cancellation, the followers of these artists do not have to worry, because Jennifer Lopez will continue with her "Dance Again World Tour" in October and Enrique Iglesias will be on 22 September at the iHeartRadio Music Festival in vegas.
miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012
Jennifer Lopez shuts their children to look
We knew that his mere presence on stage could make thousands of people mad, but did not know the power of the gaze of the beautiful singer.
The artist had to be doomed to use that gift before the concert he gave last Friday in Los Angeles because of bad behavior they were having their children, twins Max and Emme, aged four.
"The children were playing around with their scooters causing much commotion in the back of the stage by the speed at which they went," a witness told the New York Post.
Although staff members and caregivers of children were soon to make calm and relax, the artist left his dressing room in order to keep them quiet herself. However, did not say a word, because her look was enough to appease small.
"Jennifer threw a scolding look Max and Emme. Lowered children of scooters and returned to the dressing room," said the witness.
The singer has always been proud of her children-the result of his relationship with singer Marc Anthony, and does not hesitate to take them with him wherever he goes. However, every precaution is small and has a large team that cares for infants naughty as she acts.
"Jennifer's family has a special area reserved for them and between racks in each concert. Jennifer is a loving and responsible mom, never put their children in danger," verified the representative of the singer.
Sabíamos que su mera presencia en un escenario podía hacer enloquecer a miles de personas, pero no conocíamos el poder de la mirada de la guapa cantante.
La artista tuvo que verse abocada a utilizar ese don antes del concierto que ofreció el pasado viernes en Los Ángeles debido al mal comportamiento que estaban teniendo sus hijos, los gemelos Max y Emme, de cuatro años.
"Los niños estaban jugando por ahí con sus patinetes causando mucho alboroto en la parte trasera del escenario por la velocidad a la que iban", ha contado un testigo al New York Post.
Pese a que los miembros del personal y los cuidadores de los pequeños fueron enseguida a calmarlos y a hacer que se relajaran, la artista salió de su camerino con el objetivo de sosegarlos ella misma. Sin embargo, no les dijo una sola palabra, pues bastó con su mirada para apaciguar a los pequeños.
"Jennifer les lanzó una mirada de reprimenda a Max y Emme. Bajó a los niños de los patinetes y regresó al camerino", ha explicado dicho testigo.
La cantante siempre se ha mostrado orgullosa de sus hijos -fruto de la relación que mantuvo con el cantante Marc Anthony- y no duda en llevarlos consigo allá donde va. Sin embargo, toda precaución es poca y dispone de un extenso equipo que cuida de los traviesos infantes mientras ella actúa.
"La familia de Jennifer dispone de una zona habilitada y reservada para ellos entre bastidores en cada concierto. Jennifer es una mamá cariñosa y responsable, nunca pondría a sus hijos en peligro", verificó la representante de la cantante.
Jennifer Lopez Rumored For Las Vegas Show Residency
Joining the ranks of other legends in the music industry, a source tells Hollyscoop exclusively that J.Lo is in talks to start her very own Las Vegas residency. The Vegas show could attract tourists to catch Latin fever in Sin City.
Hollyscoop spoke with a J.Lo’s rep, Mark Young, who confirmed that the “Dance Again” singer may be considering setting up a semi-permanent performance.
“It could very well be possible," said Young.
Though the rep could not reveal any other details about the potential show, Hollyscoop has since learned that Live Nation approached J.Lo to produce the Diva style show.
J.Lo recently spoke with Hollyscoop herself in Vegas during a red carpet appearance at the Wet Republic poolside club. In the interview she talked about how she enjoys the energy that Vegas brings to a performance.
“It’s crazy,” she said. “You know what this is really what Vegas is all about if you're looking for that experience to club have a good time, let loose. This is it.” So far, her world tour has been doing well…
“Its pretty intense we've been having a great time, the audiences have been amazing, it's been selling out everywhere we go,” she continued.
So why not continue the fun long term?
The new development could even have been the final detail weighing in on her decision to not return for Season 13 on “American Idol.”
No word yet on what venue J.Lo is looking into for the show. We think Caesars Palace would suit the pop diva queen.
JLo piensa en unirse a las filas de otras leyendas de la industria de la música, una fuente le dijo a Hollyscoop exclusivamente que J.Lo está en conversaciones para iniciar su propio show permanente en Las Vegas. El show de Las Vegas podría atraer a los turistas a coger la fiebre latina en la ciudad del pecado.
Hollyscoop habló con el representante, de JLo Mark Young, quien confirmó que la cantante de "Dance Again", puede estar considerando la creación de una actuación semi-permanente.
"Bien podría ser posible", dijo Young.
Aunque el representante no pudo revelar ningún otro detalle sobre el show potencial, Hollyscoop ha dado cuenta de que Live Nation se acercó a J.Lo para producir el espectáculo de la Diva.
J.Lo hablo hace poco con Hollyscoop en Las Vegas durante una aparición en la alfombra roja en el club de Wet República junto a la piscina. En la entrevista habló sobre cómo ella disfruta de la energía que trae a Las Vegas una actuación.
"Es una locura", dijo. "Hasta ahora, su gira mundial le ha ido bien ...
"Es bastante intenso que hemos estado pasando muy bien, el público ha sido increíble, ha estado vendiendo donde quiera que vayamos", continuó.
Así que ¿por qué no continuar con la diversión a largo plazo?
El nuevo desarrollo podría incluso haber sido el último detalle con un peso en su decisión de no regresar para la temporada 13 de "American Idol".
No se sabe aún en qué lugar J.Lo está estudiando para el show. Pensamos Caesars Palace se adapte a la reina del pop diva.
lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012
Jennifer Lopez at 60 minutes
The Diva
Who do you think is the world's most powerful celebrity? Oprah Winfrey? Tom Cruise? A Kardashian perhaps?
Well, apparently, the answer is Jennifer Lopez.
J Lo earned a whopping $50 million last year - not bad for a humble Puerto Rican back-up dancer from the wrong end of town.
It's a triumphant return to the top for Jennifer, who reignited her career as a judge on the hugely successful American Idol.
She's now embarked on a massive six-month world tour and Allison Langdon got a taste of what we can expect.
She caught up with Jennifer, and her new and much younger man, back stage in California.
ALLISON LANGDON: It's less than an hour before show time, and while backstage is frantic, the star of the night - Jennifer Lopez - arrives for our interview relaxed and, surprisingly, alone.
ALLISON LANGDON: Ally from 60 Minutes.
JENNIFER: Hi, nice to meet you.
ALLISON LANGDON: Nice to meet you too. Where's your entourage?
JENNIFER: They're all busy, we have a show in 30 minutes. 'Cause my show doesn't start until like 10:00 at night.
ALLISON LANGDON: So you're going on stage about the same time I'm getting ready to go to bed.
JENNIFER: Exactly, and by the way that's my bedtime too.
ALLISON LANGDON: On stage, she is The Diva. I'd expected to sit down with a prima donna, but the 43-year-old is warm and engaging. What doesn't surprise me is how beautiful she is in person. This is the Jennifer that we're used to seeing, you know, amazing hair -
ALLISON LANGDON: Flawless skin, glamorous. Please tell me you have daggy mum days?
JENNIFER: Oh my God, you should've seen me walk in here today! I mean, they've gotten pictures of me with my bun on my head and my sunglasses and -
ALLISON LANGDON: But you still look good!
JENNIFER: I mean I try to! I don't want to go out looking like a bum, you know. My mum taught me better than that.
ALLISON LANGDON: Now, Jennifer is a mum herself - with four-year-old twins Emme and Max. And for this, J. Lo's first world tour, home is very much on the road. Are you a hands-on mum?
JENNIFER: Yeah, I mean the babies are with me all the time. They travel with me. I don't feel right when they're away, you know what I mean? It's just - you know, I'm a mom, I love them. I want them close to me. I'm only like "mom" - if they said "mom" right now, I'd have to say "excuse me" and go and see what they needed.
ALLISON LANGDON: How do they feel about how hard you work?
JENNIFER: I think they understand the concept of it, that you have to work to make money and money is how we have a house and buy clothes and buy food. You know, I explain all that to them so they don't think I'm just away having a party somewhere, you know what I mean? Or dancing on stage with like my 10,000 friends out there, and not worrying about them, that this is something I do for us, for our life, for, you know, so that they can have everything that they ever dreamed of, you know.
ALLISON LANGDON: There's not much that Jennifer ever dreamed of, that she hasn't achieved. She can sing, dance, and act. But in 2008, she disappeared to start her family, only to re-emerge in spectacular fashion, using her judging role on American Idol to re-launch her music career. It really allowed you to connect with your fans, didn't it?
JENNIFER: Yeah, yeah. Well, I thought they know who I was because I'd been around for so long. I was just like, they know, they know who I am, right? But it's kinda funny, sometimes they'd rather assume the opposite.
ALLISON LANGDON: Well, you came across as a nice and caring person.
JENNIFER: That I think because - that's because I think I am.
ALLISON LANGDON: That J. Lo warmth is matched - and some - by her astute commercial mind. So much so that respected business magazine Forbes ranked her this year's Most Powerful Celebrity - eclipsing Oprah Winfrey and Lady Gaga. I'm sitting here talking to the most powerful celebrity in the World.
JENNIFER: That's so funny, yeah.
ALLISON LANGDON: How does that sit with you?
JENNIFER: You kinda just go wow, that's nice, and then you just try not to think about it, because, you know, "Most Powerful Celebrity" - it's very daunting, you know what I mean? And it just feels like -
ALLISON LANGDON: What does it mean?
JENNIFER: I don't know. I think for me, the way I took it was like my hard work has not gone unnoticed.
ALLISON LANGDON: Ever since she was first noticed in the early 90s, Jennifer has ridden the highs and lows of celebrity. At times, her love life has attracted more attention than her professional life. So when marriage to husband number three and father to her twins, singer Marc Anthony, collapsed last year, J. Lo was back in the white-hot glare of the gossip spotlight.
JENNIFER: You know what? You take it, and you try to handle it with grace and dignity.
ALLISON LANGDON: How difficult was that period in your life?
JENNIFER: It was tough. It's still tough, you know. It's still tough. It's a hard thing to go through a divorce with children. It's not ideal, it's not something I ever wanted. I wanted my family to be together forever. But at the end of the day, you know, you have to do what you feel is right and most healthy for you and your children, And it's hard.
ALLISON LANGDON: Do you still believe in love, romance?
JENNIFER: Absolutely. Absolutely I do. I mean it's the only thing. It's the only thing that keeps us going. I mean, even just the love I have for my kids has kept me going, and I'm sure I'm not the first woman to say that who's gone through something like this, you know?
ALLISON LANGDON: Do you think you'll get married again one day?
JENNIFER: I don't know, maybe. I don't know.
ALLISON LANGDON: Husband number four may already be in her life - she's dating dancer Casper Smart, who starred in her recent music clip "Dance Again." At 25, Casper is also the choreographer of her world tour.
CASPER: She's easy. I mean she knows what she wants, if she doesn't like it, she'll tell you.
ALLISON LANGDON: We caught up with Casper backstage as Jennifer's support act, Enrique Iglesias, performed on-stage - and gave us a flying visit.
ALLISON LANGDON: Enrique was just in that box?
ALLISON LANGDON: Are you serious?
ALLISON LANGDON: Tearing through the back of - CASPER: Tearing through just like a maniac.
ALLISON LANGDON: And so that's so he can race up the back and miraculously appear and not be puffing?
CASPER: Exactly.
ALLISON LANGDON: So when did the romance blossom?
CASPER: When - how did we go from there to there? That was a jump.
ALLISON LANGDON: Because that's when we want to know!
CASPER: The romance blossomed - I don't know. I kind of happened quick, very natural, and it just happened.
ALLISON LANGDON: Are you uncomfortable right now?
CASPER: No, it's just, you know - every time I answer, I'm like flustered again.
ALLISON LANGDON: Who made the first move? You're not giving anything away, are you?
CASPER: I'm not giving you anything!
CASPER: I've given you enough.
ALLISON LANGDON: You have. How do you find working with someone that you're dating?
JENNIFER: It's good. It's a creative venture for both of us. He has lots of ideas, I have a lot of ideas, and we just kind of work it out.
ALLISON LANGDON: Do you ever clash?
JENNIFER: Oh yeah. Yeah, I just don't think that there's ever a time when you don't clash when it comes to creativity, because everyone has their own vision.
ALLISON LANGDON: But you're the boss?
JENNIFER: On this one I am, yes. This is my show, and he understands that this is my vision, my show. They're like "what do you want?" I want it this way. "Oh, ok."
ALLISON LANGDON: It's almost time to hit the stage, and all that is left for Jennifer to do now is get dressed.
JENNIFER: I feel good, I feel relaxed about it, but it's definitely an adrenaline rush.
ALLISON LANGDON: Is there any pre-show ritual that you go through?
JENNIFER: I have to like stretch and do my whole kind of like abs and arms and everything and kind of just get like sweating and going and start to prep myself. And I do a lot of dancing in the show.
ALLISON LANGDON: So you do have to work very hard then to have this body?
JENNIFER: Yeah, no, you do.
ALLISON LANGDON: I just feel a little bit better, you know! As 15,000 fans scream for their idol, there's a quick prayer, a few encouraging words from Casper -
CASPER: Who's the champ?
JENNIFER: I'm the champ.
CASPER: Who's the champ?
JENNIFER: I'm the champ.
ALLISON LANGDON: And with that - it is show time. Jennifer will bring her show to Australia in December - a celebration of her music. She's redefining what it can mean to hit middle age. You're 43 years old now, you've had twins, how is it possible to look this good?
JENNIFER: When you say the words 43, I have an out of body experience, it's like a surreal moment for me, because I so wonder what happened! Like how did I get to that age? Because I still feel very youthful and kind of vibrant. And to me, when I was younger 43 sounded so different. But I just think we're in a different time in life right now in society, in the world, where people were written off so much younger. And now that's not the case, especially for women.
ALLISON LANGDON: It takes more than sheer talent to have longevity in this industry. Jennifer Lopez has proven she's nothing if not resilient, and for as long as she looks good in a leotard, J. Lo will keep shaking her thing. You're clearly happy.
JENNIFER: I am. I feel good where I am, because I feel like you get to a certain age and you realise it's always going to be a learning process. And when you get comfortable with that, you stop fighting everything around you and you kind of just go okay, this is what it is, and you know what, I'm doing okay. I'm doing okay. So let's enjoy the moment.
domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012
Jennifer Lopez stopped by the MGM Grand’s Wet Republic pool in Las Vegas before her concert!
1 comentarios:
Jennifer Lopez concert at big screen!
Singer Jennifer Lopez is taking her concert to the big screen!
Getty Images
“Extra’s” Maria Menounos talked exclusively with Jennifer Lopez’s manager Benny Medina who confirmed J.Lo is currently shooting footage for a 3D concert film called “Dance Again.” Medina said the film will chronicle the last few years in Jennifer’s life as she faced big changes. Her instinct is to get right back up, go on the road and “dance again.” Tune in to "Extra" Monday for more this exclusive!
viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012
Check out the official cover for InStyle's September Issue.
In my interview I talk about personal growth and what this past year has taught me:
“I live by the mantra that God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle. It’s not until something bad or difficult happens that you really get to grow. And then you realize that those difficult moments, the times when you feel pain, are when you do a lot of your growing. You realize: There’s no reason to be terrified of things. Either way I’m going to be OK.”
Be sure to pick up the September issue where I answered questions from fans and for a sneak peek of what's coming to Kohl's this fall!
La artista siempre ha demostrado ser una persona caritativa, por lo que no duda en aprovechar su popularidad para realizar proyectos benéficos.
En esta ocasión, la cantante ha puesto a disposición de sus fans unas entradas que no solo les darán la oportunidad de acceder a sus conciertos, sino que también les permitirá conocer a la diva del Bronx en persona.
Estos pases especiales pueden ser adquiridos mediante una subasta llevada a cabo por la página, cuyos fondos serán derivados a la asociación solidaria de la estrella, López Family Foundation, cuyo objetivo es luchar por la salud y el bienestar de mujeres y niños.
Y es que Jennifer no oculta su predilección por los más vulnerables, entre los que están sus propios hijos, a los que no descuida ni un momento pese a su apretada agenda.
"Estoy presionada por querer ser una buena madre y querer hacerlo bien con mis hijos. Ser madre, o padre, es el trabajo más importante del mundo. No importa quién eres, tienes que aceptar todo lo que conlleva", explicó la cantante en la edición estadounidense de la revista InStyle, que se publicará el próximo mes de septiembre.
The artist has always proven to be a charitable person, so do not hesitate to capitalize on his popularity for charity projects. This time, the singer has made available to their fans some tickets that not only will give them the opportunity to access their concerts, but also allow them to meet Bronx diva in person.
These special passes can be purchased through an auction conducted by page, whose funds will be referred to the joint partnership of the star, Lopez Family Foundation, which aims to deal with health and welfare of women and children.
And is that Jennifer does not hide his preference for the most vulnerable, among which are his own children, who takes care with time despite his busy schedule.
"I'm down for wanting to be a good mother and wanting to do well with my children. Being a mother or father is the most important job in the world. No matter who you are, you have to accept all that entails," explained the singer in the U.S. edition of InStyle magazine, to be published next September.
Last week, Pitbull and I surprised LA with a special performance during his show. He was performing at The Gibson and invited me to make a surprise appearance where we performed "On the Floor" together for his fans!
As soon as I got to my dressing room, there was a surprise waiting for me! Pitbull is so sweet — I love white flowers!
When we hit the stage together, everyone went crazy and showed us so much love! THANK YOU LA!
It was such a great night! Gracias a mi hermano Pitbull!!!!!
sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012
Jennifer Lopez, Enrique and Pitbull together in Los Angeles!
Pitbull came to his concert in Los Angeles on Thursday after the introduction of Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias on stage to surprise performances.
Jennifer and Harry have taken a break from their tour together to attend the Gibson Amphitheatre, where Pitbull was in the last world tour concert at Planet Pit.
The former American Idol judge delighted fans by appearing on stage in a sexy yellow dress to sing along with Pitbull.
The Spanish heartthrob posted a picture of the trio behind the scenes on Twitter, while Pitbull social networking thanked his friends for introductions.
Pitbull se presentó en su concierto en Los Ángeles el pasado jueves después de la introducción de Jennifer Lopez y Enrique Iglesias en el escenario para actuaciones sorpresa.
Jennifer y Enrique han tomado un pausa de su gira conjunta para asistir al Gibson Amphitheatre, donde Pitbull estaba en el último concierto en su gira mundial Planet Pit.
La ex juez de American Idol deleitó a los aficionados al aparecer en el escenario en un vestido sexy de color amarillo para cantar junto a Pitbull.
El galán español publicó una foto del trío detrás del escenario en su Twitter, mientras que Pitbull agradeció en las redes sociales a sus amigos por las presentaciones.
If there is something that has no place in the life of JLO is alcohol!
La cantante y actriz se ha ganado la reputación de ser una estrella a quien no le tiembla el pulso cuando de poner demandas se trata, pero la diva del Bronx asegura que en su vida privada no pide nada fuera de lo común para ser feliz.
"A la gente le encanta comentar: '¡Oh Dios mío! ¡Quiere unos M&M'S! ¡Está loca!' Pero todo el mundo tiene sus caprichos, como las patatas fritas o el agua", afirmó.
Sin embargo, si hay algo que no tiene cabida en la vida de J. Lo -que recientemente ha abandonado su papel de juez en 'American Idol'- es el alcohol. La artista afirma que no lo ha probado durante años porque su madre Guadalupe les enseñó a ella y a sus dos hermanas que beber en exceso es pernicioso.
"No bebo nada. Mi madre nos inculcó esto desde que éramos muy pequeñas. Nos dijo que no era bueno hacerlo y nunca me he dejado vencer por la tentación", contó.
Jennifer, que está inmersa actualmente en una gira mundial con Enrique Iglesias, tiene dos hijos gemelos -Max y Emme- con su exmarido Marc Anthony y, aunque están separados desde hace tiempo, la estrella insiste en que todavía se tienen mucho cariño gracias a que están unidos por sus hijos.
"Ha sido difícil, como ocurre con todos los divorcios, especialmente porque hay niños de por medio, pero al final, nos queremos mucho porque nuestros hijos nos unen".
Obviamente les amamos más que a nada en este mundo, así que no puede ser de otra manera", comentó en una entrevista a la emisora australiana 2Day FM.
The singer and actress has earned a reputation as a star who is not afraid to put the pulse when it comes to lawsuits, but the Bronx diva says that in her private life demands nothing unusual to be happy.
"People love to comment, 'Oh my God want some M & M'S!'s Crazy!' But everyone has their quirks, like potato chips or water, "he said.
However, if there is something that has no place in the life of J. Lo-recently departed his role as judge on 'American Idol'-is alcohol. The artist says he has not tried for years because her mother Guadalupe taught her and her two sisters who drink to excess is harmful.
"Do not drink anything. My mother taught us that since we were very small. We said it was good to do and I have never ceased to temptation," he said.
Jennifer, who is currently immersed in a world tour with Enrique Iglesias, has twin sons, Max and Emme with her ex-husband, Marc Anthony and although they are separated in a while, the star insists we still are great friends thanks to are joined by their children.
"It was difficult, as with all divorces, especially because there are children involved, but ultimately, we want it because our children unites us."
Obviously we love more than anything in this world, so it can not be otherwise, "he said in an interview with Australian radio station 2Day FM.
Jennifer Lopez, the Bronx diva insist that she feel more comfortable wearing a more relaxed with shirts!
Aunque Jennifer Lopez es famosa por sus glamurosos atuendos, la diva del Bronx insiste en que ella se siente más cómoda luciendo un estilo más relajado cuando no está trabajando, ya que las camisetas hacen que se sienta "genial".
"Vivo en camisetas cuando no estoy en una alfombra roja. Me encanta la sensación sexi e informal que te aporta ya que una buena camiseta te hace sentir genial. No te tienes que esforzar demasiado", declaró.
La aclamada cantante es directora y jurado de, página web que se ha convertido en su nueva apuesta en el mercado por internet, en la que venden camisetas de edición limitada por precios muy asequibles. La estrella es una de las encargadas de elegir los diseños que provienen de una comunidad internacional de artistas, cuya selección se somete a votación por los usuarios para decidir cuáles serán los que se enviarán a producción.
"Cualquier cosa que sea creativa llama mi interés. Este es un tipo diferente de experiencia en la red donde te puedes involucrar en cuáles son los diseños que se harán. Nos da una pauta sobre lo que realmente le gusta a la gente", señaló a WWD.
Entre los famosos que colaboran con este proyecto no solo se encuentra Jennifer, sino también la cazadora de tendencias Jane Buckingham, la productora Suzanne Todd, Peter Kim de Hudson Jeans y la editora de la revista Lucky, Marlien Rentmeester.
Los usuarios se pueden registrar en el dominio de forma gratuita y el precio por cada envío es de 4 euros, aunque es gratis si se adquieren dos o más prendas.
Although Jennifer Lopez is famous for its glamorous costumes, the Bronx diva insists that she feels more comfortable wearing a more relaxed when not working, as the shirts make you feel "cool."
"I live in t-shirts when I'm not a red carpet. I love feeling sexy and casual and gives you a good shirt that makes you feel great. You do not have to strain too much," he said.
The acclaimed director and singer is jury, website that has become his new venture in the Internet market, which sells limited edition t-shirts very affordable prices. The star is one of those responsible for choosing the designs that come from an international community of artists, whose selection is voted by users to determine which ones are to be sent to production.
"Anything that catches my interest to be creative. This is a different kind of experience on the net where you can get involved in what the designs to be made. It gives us a guideline on what he really likes people," he told WWD.
Among the celebrities who collaborate with this project not only is Jennifer, but the trend hunter Jane Buckingham, producer Suzanne Todd, Peter Kim of Hudson Jeans and Lucky magazine editor, Marlien Rentmeester.
Users can log into the domain for free and the price per item is 4 euros, but is free if you buy two or more items.
As many of you know, the Lopez Family Foundation is something that is very close to my heart. It's a non-profit that my sister and I started that is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women and children around the world. Through partnerships with hospitals and organizations dedicated to making positive changes in communities, the Lopez Family Foundation is able to provide programs, equipment and better medical services to regions in need. This is a great opportunity to not only get tickets to my concert, but support a cause that has the ability to make a big difference in the lives of others.
I'd love to see meet you at one of my shows for this very special meet and greet, available for LA,VEGAS, DALLAS, HOUSTON and MIAMI!
"Physical" The new song by JLO and ENRIQUE!
Ya sabes que Jennifer López y Enrique Iglesias se han aliado para una gira conjunta este verano por Estados Unidos que terminará a principios de septiembre. Pues las dos estrellas latinas han aprovechado para cantar juntos otro tema (ya habíamos escuchado hace meses 'Mouth 2 Mouth') llamado 'Physical'. No, no es la enésima versión del hit de Olivia Newton John, sino un tema producido por Afrojack del que puedes escuchar un trocito en un anuncio de Chrysler, patrocinador de la gira. En el spot podrás ver a la ex de Marc Anthony y al hermano de Julio José llegando a un estadio para cantar. Adivina en qué coche lo hacen la mar de felices.
Esperamos que la gira le esté yendo bien a Jenny la del barrio, porque lo que es su grandes éxitos 'Dance Again... The Hits', último disco que tenía que sacar con Epic Records, está funcionando muy mal: la semana pasada debutaba en el #20 de Billboard con sólo 14.000 copias vendidas
You know that Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias have joined forces for a joint tour this summer by the United States will end in early September. For the two Latin stars have used to sing together another issue (and we had heard for months 'Mouth 2 Mouth') called 'Physical'. No, this is the umpteenth version of Olivia Newton John hit, but a track produced by Afrojack's you can listen to a piece in an advertisement for Chrysler, sponsor of the tour. In the spot you see Marc Anthony's ex and brother Julio Jose reaching a stage to sing. Guess what car do the sea of happy.
I hope the tour is going well for Jenny the neighborhood, because what is your greatest hits' Dance Again ... The Hits' last album I had to get with Epic Records, is very wrong: last week debuted at # 20 on Billboard with only 14,000 copies sold
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012
JENNIFER LOPEZ, extorted by her DRIVER!
El segundo frente abierto de J.Lo es contra su ex chofer que la chantajeó para que le pagara 16 millones de euros (20 millones de dólares) a cambio de no revelar información "sensible y personal" que había obtenido de la estrella mientras trabajaba para ella, según cuenta el diario británico 'Daily Mail'.
Jennifer Lopez ha interpuesto una demanda contra su ex empleado Hakob Manoukian y pide 2,2 mmilones de euros (2,8 millones de dólares) por daños y perjuicios.
Por suerte para ella, la artista tiene todas las de ganar ya que en el contrato que firmaron la cantante y el ex chofer se prohibía al trabajador revelar el contenido de las conversaciones privadas que esta mantenía en el coche.
The open second front against his former J.Lo is the driver who blackmailed him to pay 16 million euros (20 million) in exchange for not disclosing information "sensitive personal" star had obtained while working for it, as has the British newspaper daily Mail.
Jennifer Lopez has filed a lawsuit against its former employee and asks Hakob Manoukian mmilones 2.2 euros (2.8 million) in damages.
Luckily for her, the artist has the upper hand and that the contract signed between the singer and former driver prohibiting the employee disclose the contents of private conversations is kept in the car.
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